Colds prevent sauna, sleep & massively sex

Colds prevent sauna, sleep & massively sex / Health News

What really protects: Tips against colds


Sneezing, coughing, exhaustion: Everywhere one is surrounded by people who have a cold. In order to cope better with the effects of a cold in the cold season or even not to get sick, there are numerous home remedies and tips. The most comfortable ones are certainly sauna sessions, lots of sleep and sex.

Cold season is cold time
In the office, at home, in a club: At present, the handkerchiefs are being pulled out quickly everywhere. The cold season is also cold time. The saying goes that a cold with medication lasts for seven days and without a week. But we are not so exposed to the disease. There are numerous home remedies and tips to better cope with the effects of a cold or not to get sick. It does not always have to be only herbal tea, even methods that are fun, can prevent an infection or help against the symptoms. The most comfortable ones are certainly sauna sessions, lots of sleep and sex.

With medicines can be little gear
As the „Frankfurter Rundschau“ In a recent review, two to four colds a year are normal for an adult. The „Children's and youth physicians in the network“ write that there are on average even six to ten children „flu infections“ could be. Most such an infection - not to be confused with a flu - harmless. Although it can be done with medication for the symptoms little, but the common cold usually disappears by itself again, if you allow yourself sufficient sleep and protection. A significant improvement in the symptoms should be detectable after about a week.

Lots of sleep - enough exercise - balanced nutrition
A lot of sleep is also essential for the prevention of a cold. In addition to sufficient exercise and a balanced diet, it is one of the three basic measures that protect against a cold. However, studies have not confirmed the German Society of Nutrition (DGE), but the long-standing presumption that the additional intake of vitamin C protects against colds. And because a cold is caused by viruses and not by bacteria, antibiotics are completely ineffective in the disease. Since the viruses spread through the droplet infection, it is quite possible that one inhales the pathogens, as the seat neighbor coughs in the bus.

Hand washing and airing
However, the viruses also pass through the hands to the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose and continue to spread from there in the body. Therefore, hand washing counts as the most important protective measure against a cold. Another preventative measure is to ventilate heated rooms and offices regularly. As our mucous membranes in the mouth and nose suffer from the dry heating air in autumn and winter, pathogens can not be so well repelled. For example, those who find the air too cold to be able to relocate to lunch break.

Wear warm during the cold season
Not to be underestimated is the fact that our body's defenses are weakened when we freeze. Therefore, you should dress warmly so as not to catch a cold. Not only scarves, hats, gloves and warm jackets can protect from the cold, but also the so-called „onion principle“ when dressing. Another factor that helps to prevent symptoms like headache, runny nose or body aches is drinking a lot during the cold season. This prevents the mucous membranes from drying out and losing their protective function against pathogens. Ideal are herbal teas that provide antibacterial and antiviral oils. Even those who have already caught cold should provide enough fluids - preferably water and tea. Various teas are often used as a simple home remedy for cough or home remedies for sore throats.

Sex strengthens the immune system
As the FR writes, immunologists also recommend sex, because it can strengthen the immune system. As the body comes in contact with a variety of foreign germs during sex, the immune system is literally trained. It is said that a Zurich study with male subjects came to the conclusion that the concentration of „killer cells“ Doubled in the blood after orgasm. And a long-term study from the US shows that two to three times a week sex increases the number of antibodies in saliva in both men and women.

Foot bath awakens self-healing powers
The self-healing powers of the body can also be awakened with a foot bath. This requires two foot tubs or bowls. The feet are first bathed for about eight to twelve minutes in a tub of 39 degrees hot water and then immersed in cold water for a few seconds. Afterwards you dry the skin well, put on wool socks and lie down for 20 minutes in the warm bed. The immune system of the body can also be kept fit by regular sauna sessions, which helps prevent diseases such as a cold easier. However, a visit to the sauna has a negative effect if you have an acute cold or flu. (Ad)

Picture: Rainer Sturm