Cold These home remedies can help

Cold These home remedies can help / Health News
AOK tips for home remedies for mild colds
Although the cold wave this year has turned out to be relatively moderate, but by no means everyone is coming through the winter without a cold. The AOK has therefore put together a number of home remedies for colds that can provide relief. In particular, mild complaints can be treated well with home remedies, according to the AOK.

It is far from the best of all people to survive the cold without a cold and cough, despite the mild winter so far. Often, however, home remedies for colds can quickly provide relief for mild ailments. However, these should only be used for mild colds and if the symptoms do not disappear after three days, a doctor should be consulted, according to the AOK.

For mild colds, various natural home remedies promise effective relief. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Observe fluid intake
The health insurance recommends to drink a cold generally a lot. "You should eat at least two liters of water or unsweetened tea per day," reports the AOK. This ensures that the mucous membranes in the nose, mouth and bronchi remain moist, so that bacteria have it difficult to settle here or simply "washed away", explains the health insurance.

Free up blocked noses
According to the AOK "steam baths with chamomile or thyme tea" can help against a stuffy nose. The steam allows the mucous membranes to swell and helps to loosen the secretion. However, it should be ensured that inhaled only with herbs that are not allergic to those affected. Another basically harmless method for eliminating clogged noses is the nasal douche with sea salt. She also helps to clear her nose.

Home remedies for sore throat
For throat and throat pain in a cold, according to the AOK regular gurgle with cooled sage or fennel tea is recommended. "The herbs have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect," says the health insurance company. Also, neck wraps with quark, which had previously been heated to room temperature, would have worked well. A cotton cloth is thickly spread with the quark and the cloth with the quark side wound around the neck, explains the AOK. The whole thing will be wrapped with a scarf and when the curd is dried, the winding can be removed.

Onion juice for coughing
According to the AOK, it is good to use onion juice to combat the coughing of a cold. For this purpose, the broth of a chopped onion, boiled in a little water mixed with brown candy and drunk after cooling. "The juice dissolves the mucus in the bronchi," reports the AOK. In addition, the room climate should not be too dry when coughing, and in winter, a bowl of water on the heater can help here.

Onion bag against earache
When earache is also the use of onions, but these are brought as a so-called onion bag directly to the ear. For this a vegetable onion is chopped and heated in a pot, so the AOK. After a short cooling, the onion pieces are wrapped in a cotton cloth and placed as a bag on the aching ear. The essential oils of the onion have an anti-inflammatory effect, explains the AOK. (Fp)