Increased protein content Does protein cheese really add value?

Increased protein content Does protein cheese really add value? / Health News

Consumer advocates: Protein advertising in cheese is often misleading

Everyone has to eat enough protein to keep their body healthy. Some people resort to special "protein-rich" foods. However, consumer advocates point out that advertising for such foods is often misleading and "protein cheese" does not add value.

High-protein foods are trendy

The human body cells are constantly renewed and are therefore dependent on a regular protein intake. But how much protein do we need per day? Some people think that you can barely eat enough of it and resort to "high-protein" foods. However, some of these products bring no added value, as consumer advocates report.

Some suppliers of Harzer cheeses promote this with advertising promises like "massive protein". The product naturally has a high protein content. (Image: PhotoSG /

Diet with a lot of protein helps in weight loss

Health experts say a high-protein diet can help you lose weight.

Because proteins are used more slowly by the body and the stomach emits a faster feeling of satiety. In addition, protein-rich foods can reduce food cravings and boost fat metabolism. They also last longer full.

In addition, proteins are important for muscle growth. Especially older people benefit from it.

Dairy products such as cheese are among the best sources of protein. But advertising often promises more than it can hold.

By nature high protein content

Sour milk cheese - better known as "Harzer" or hand cheese - is popular due to the naturally low fat and energy as well as the high protein content.

Some manufacturers still promote their products with "massive protein" or "a lot of protein".

As reported by the Verbraucherzentrale Niedersachsen in a communication, this is the case with "Protein + Käse" from Herz König Harzinger Vertrieb GmbH and "Protein Quäse" from Loose GmbH & Co. KG.

Compared to a "normal" Harzer of the same cheese dairy, however, it is noticeable that the ingredients are identical, as well as the protein content of 30 grams per 100 grams.

Less cheese for more money

The price, however, shows significant differences.

"Consumers pay up to 20 percent more for the same type of cheese, if the word 'protein' is big on the pack," criticized Janina Willers, consultant for nutrition and food of the consumer center of Lower Saxony.

According to the information costs "protein + cheese" the equivalent of 10.35 euros per kilogram, the "minis" of the King König Harzinger sales GmbH 8,60 euros. The "protein-Quäse" costs 11,12 Euro per kilogram, the normal "Quäse" 10,86 Euro.

"The comparison makes it clear that the manufacturers pay dearly for their advertising," says Willers. Traditional Harz cheese is available for 4.95 euros per kilogram.

Packaging size gives a false impression

The consumer advocates complain another nuisance: The packaging size of "protein + cheese" give the impression that it contains more cheese.

In fact, the packing unit of 115 grams is identical to the "minis".

"Food packaging promises a lot. It is worth to look at the list of ingredients and the nutritional information and to compare the base price at the supermarket shelf, "recommends the nutrition expert. (Ad)