Successful test drug Dupilumab successfully tested for atopic dermatitis
Neurodermatitis (atopic eczema) often leads to extensive damage to the skin and can be a significant burden for those affected. The treatment options are limited so far, however, recent studies certainly arouse hope for a successful treatment of atopic eczema. In a recent study involving researchers from the University of Munich Hospital, a promising effect was demonstrated for the active ingredient "Dupilumab".
More recently, scientists at the University of Edinburgh have tested the use of a natural endogenous antibody for atopic dermatitis. Now, the research team with the participation of Prof. Andreas Wollenberg from the University of Munich and colleagues could prove that with the drug "Dupilumab" in many patients a comprehensive relief of the symptoms is possible. The quality of life of those affected has improved significantly, according to Professor Wollenberg.
About every fourth child suffers from atopic dermatitis. A new drug is now hoping for a successful treatment. (Image: SkyLine / for sufferers a visitation
In eczema, the skin becomes inflamed with no apparent external cause. Red itchy rash, which occurs in severe cases over a large area and long-lasting, is the result. "Neurodermatitis is a visitation for many patients, especially for children," according to the Communication of the University of Munich. Now the researchers have a new drug with the drug "Dupilumab" tested that, according to Prof. Wollenberg "very beautiful effects" showed.
TH2 arm of the immune system overactive
The symptoms of Atopic Eczema are relatively widespread and, according to the scientists, "has great socio-medical significance." Infants are particularly often affected, with a mostly mild course. Overall, every fourth child is temporarily suffering from atopic dermatitis. "Adults are less common, but often more seriously affected," the scientists continue. Together, all patients have a certain part of their immune system overactivated. This so-called TH2 arm of the immune system normally fights infections with parasites such as tapeworms. However, atopic dermatitis patients are not infected with parasites and the TH-2 arm is subject to a false alarm, causing chronic inflammation in the skin.
Selective blocking of the immune system
The traditional anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat atopic dermatitis, such as cortisone, not only block the TH2 arm, but attack all arms of the immune system, including those against viruses, bacteria or cancer cells. By contrast, the new drug "Dupilumab" inhibits exclusively the TH2 arm, reports Professor Wollenberg. It should be the same in the opinion of the medical profession. "Because the more selective a drug is, the fewer side effects are to be expected, and the better tolerated is a remedy," stresses Professor Wollenberg.
Active ingredient tested on nearly 1,400 test persons
In the study, the new drug was tested on nearly 1,400 women and men with moderate to severe eczema. Two-thirds of the volunteers received "dupilumab" for four months - administered as injections into the abdomen, given weekly or biweekly. The remaining patients were injected with a placebo in the abdomen. After a period of four to six weeks, the drug unfolded its effect and "with time, first the skin eczema, and later the itching disappeared in one third of patients treated with the drug completely," said the Department of the University of Munich. This is according to the researchers "a great success."
New treatment alternative in sight
The effect of the drug had lasted for about three months and in the remaining treated patients, the symptoms improved significantly, the scientists continue. At the same time, there were no serious side effects in the study ... Occasionally, only slight infections occurred. "We will most likely get a new alternative for the treatment of our patients," hopes the Munich dermatologist Prof. Wollenberg. (Fp)