Enzyme telomerase ensures eternal youth?
New anti-aging therapy discovered?
The enzyme telomerase ensures an eternal youth? For the first time, researchers were able to initiate a kind of rejuvenation cure in a test setup. Critics doubt, however, that the results are transferable to humans.
Can an enzyme cause the aging process in humans to slow down? Scientists at the US Harvard University have said to have the effect of the enzyme called „telomerase“ examined. The enzyme unfolded in the course of a study, a rejuvenating effect and could, for example, reactivate a lost capacity of the brain.
In an animal experiment, the researchers turned off the enzyme telomerase in rodents. As a result, the animals aged early. However, when the scientists initiated a reactivation of the named enzyme, a quasi-miraculous rejuvenation of the experimental animals occurred. But critics see many risks in the results. So could a high risk of cancer in this so-called „Anti-aging therapy“ not be excluded.
The enzyme has been known since 1985
The enzyme was discovered in the year of 1985 by the scientists Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider in barking animals. Shortly thereafter, this discovery quickly developed into „star“ regenerative medicine. Above all, pharmaceutical manufacturers exulted soon to devise a means that the aging process in humans stops. So began a veritable race for the best results. Because if indeed such an active ingredient would be found that stops the process of aging, billions in revenue would be almost certain.
Undoubtedly, it was found in the newly published study that the enzyme u.a. prevents the „cut“ The chromosomes shorten after each cell division and the cells die. As people get older, so does the ability of cells to form telomerase. However, it is still unclear whether the decline in this ability is actually related to the progression of the aging process.
Loss of telomerase can also stop cancer cells
However, researchers believe that the slowing of enzyme formation produces a meaningful effect. Cancer cells also use the telomerase enzyme. The presumption is that this effect reduces the formation of cancer cells. Therefore, many researchers warn against initiating anti-aging therapy based on the maintenance or artificial addition of the enzyme. Thus, such a treatment could produce a mass formation of cancerous tumors. Put simply, telomerase can stop aging and cause cancer, according to some researchers.
study course
Initially, the researchers turned off the gene during the animal experiment in the first phase of life. As a result, the mice showed rapid aging with the typical symptoms. The rodents developed osteoporosis, fell ill with Type II diabetes and brain performance decreased significantly. After this artificially induced process, the gene was reactivated for one month. As scientists reported in the study result, this not only stopped the aging process. The animals underwent a veritable rejuvenating cure. They regained the ability to reproduce and the brain's efficiency recovered. The mice could smell again and avoided to avoid certain odors like the younger animals. The formation of cancer, however, could not be observed, according to researchers. Researchers conclude that the rejuvenation process will take place before tumors can form.
Study structure does not allow any conclusions to be drawn
Dr. Tom Kirkwood of „Institute for Aging and Health“ at the University of Newcastle commented to the science magazine „Nature“ critical. In his opinion, the experimental setup is not suitable to draw conclusions about the aging process in humans. The experiment also does not reflect the reality, because in the study, the gene was first turned off, to later resuscitate it. In humans, there would be no possibility to specifically activate telomerase or prevent the loss of old age. (Sb)
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Picture credits: Rainer Sturm