Inflammatory pain and nail fungus Why biting cuticles can be dangerous

Inflammatory pain and nail fungus Why biting cuticles can be dangerous / Health News
Natural protection is lost: biting cuticles damages your health
Those who bite on his cuticles risk injuring them. As a result, a natural protection against bacteria and fungi is lost. This can lead to painful inflammation or even nail fungus.

Important protective function is impaired
Fingernail chewing is common. Mostly stress is the reason that the fingers automatically wander to the mouth and be nibbled at it. Sometimes, however, it is also trivial causes such as boredom. Although chewing is usually harmless, it can also lead to serious problems. Because this can also injure the cuticle, which fulfills an important protective function.

Anyone who bites his cuticles again and again risks to hurt them. As a result, an important protective function is lost. As a result, it can cause painful inflammation. (Image: toa555 /

Protection against bacteria and fungi
The cuticle has a protective function and protects the nail bed from external influences such as chemical substances, fungi and bacteria.

However, if this protection is damaged by nail biting and biting of the cuticle, such agents may invade unhindered and cause infection, inflammation or even nail fungus.

The protection against chemicals in detergents or cleaning agents is then no longer sufficient.

In the worst case, it can lead to a change of the whole nail.

According to experts, it should also be considered that saliva has a decomposing effect. So if you keep your fingers in your mouth again and again, you risk skin being attacked.

Do not cut cuticles
To get rid of the finger nail biting, put some people on bitter paints or patches around the fingertips.

According to experts, however, it usually makes more sense to first find out in which situations the fingers even migrate into the mouth - usually when the stress level rises - and then avoid them as much as possible.

If you find your cuticle annoying, it should not be cut off, according to dermatologists.

Although it does not grow more, if you cut it more often, but it would be better to push back the cuticle. Best with a fine wooden stick or damp cotton swabs.

It is also recommended to bathe your fingers regularly in lukewarm olive oil. This nourishes the skin around the nail and prevents it from becoming chapped. (Ad)