Anti-inflammatory drug protects against lung cancer

Anti-inflammatory drug protects against lung cancer / Health News
New therapy reduces lung cancer mortality
So far, many clinical studies on cancer treatment have been studying the treatment of patients with advanced disease. For the first time, a new study examined the effectiveness of medications before the cancer occurs. The experts found that the anti-inflammatory drug canakinumab significantly reduced the incidence of lung cancer and lung cancer mortality.

Researchers at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital found that an anti-inflammatory drug reduced the risk of heart attack and lung cancer. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "The Lancet".

An anti-inflammatory drug can be used to treat cancer. Canakinumab leads to a significant reduction in mortality from lung cancer. (Image: lueringmedia - fotolia)

Canakinumab slows the progress of certain cancer diseases
Can an anti-inflammatory drug lead to increased life expectancy in cancer patients? Previous research had already suggested a link between cancer and inflammation. The current study examined this relationship more closely. The findings are particularly interesting because they suggest a way to slow the progression of certain cancers, the experts explain.

Researchers are looking for biomarkers for inflammation
For their study, the scientists analyzed whether the drug lowered the rate of heart attacks, strokes and death from cardiovascular disease. For this, the physicians examined more than 10,000 patients with a history of heart attacks, which also showed a high level of so-called C-reactive protein (hsCRP), which is a biomarker of inflammation.

Lowering the rate of cancer deaths
Study participants received either 50 mg, 150 mg or 300 mg canakinumab or a placebo. The drug was injected subcutaneously every three months. The participants were then monitored medically for a period of up to five and a half years, explain the scientists. The researchers found that a significant reduction in the rate of cancer deaths was achieved. The effects on lung cancer death were particularly strong.

The effect depends on the dose
The fixation effect was dependent on the dose. Lung cancer rates decreased by 26 percent at a lower dose. The effect was 39 percent at a moderate dose and 67 percent at a high dose, the experts said in a Brigham and Women's Hospital press release. When patients received the highest dose of the drug (300 mg), this resulted in a reduction in the rate of overall cancer deaths by about half. In addition, the rate of fatal lung cancer was massively reduced compared to placebo-taking participants, the researchers add.

Further research is needed
Inflammation is the body's first line of defense against harmful invaders, such as bacteria. Such inflammation can also occur in the lungs when people smoke, inhale polluted air or are exposed to toxins such as silica and asbestos, explain the doctors. It is known that these inflammations increase the risk of lung cancer. The results of the study could lead to a new class of therapies for cancer. However, further research is needed to further refine the therapeutic strategies, the researchers concluded. (As)