All-clear Homeopathic medicines in Germany are safe

All-clear Homeopathic medicines in Germany are safe / Health News

All clear: Homeopathic medicines in Germany are safe

The German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) is dismayed by reports from the US, according to which a manufacturing error in a homeopathic drug could have led to deaths.

According to relevant media reports in Germany, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), which is responsible for the safety of medicines in Germany, said: "With regard to patient protection, there are further regulations in Germany that guarantee the safety of homeopathic medicines in advance being audited by the BfArM. "

Picture: lucaar - fotolia

The presumed deadly drug from America contains u. A. belladonna (belladonna). It should have been produced in potency D 12. When properly prepared, the amount of venom in the belladonna in the drug is about 0.0000000000001 mg. With this amount of active ingredient poisoning of patients is not possible.

It would be a mistake to deduce from a manufacturing error that homeopathy is dangerous as a therapeutic option. According to data from health services research, relevant improvements can be made in patients undergoing homoeopathic treatment. As strong as in conventional medicine, but with fewer side effects.

In the US, homeopathic medicines - unlike in Germany - are not tested and approved by the German Medicines Agency. Homeopathic medicines are also not subject to a pharmacy obligation there and the indication of areas of application is determined by the manufacturers.

The situation in Germany and the other EU countries is completely different. - Homeopathic medicines must be registered or approved here and are also subject to quality control by the German Food and Drug Administration BfArM, which the DZVhÄ expressly supports.