Relax with friends and family

Relax with friends and family / Health News

Germans can relax best with friends and families


Stress and other mental stress are associated with years of increasing mental illness. All the more important are rituals for relaxation. One on behalf of the „pharmacy magazine“ A representative survey carried out by GfK Marktforschung Nürnberg has now investigated how people in this country are most likely to seek relaxation. According to the announcement of the „According to pharmacies Umschau, most Germans recover best „in the company of family and friends from their stressful professional life.“

As part of the representative survey, 1,103 working women and men over the age of 14 provided information on their preferred relaxation methods. The results show that many working people can relax and switch off particularly well, „if they are with other people or pursue a hobby“, reports the „pharmacy magazine“. Almost every second person (46.6 percent) stated that they consciously spend time with the family in order to leave the stressful daily work routine behind. More than half (50.7 percent) of those surveyed stated that they purposefully cultivate many social contacts and spend time relaxing with them. Friends and family are therefore particularly important for relaxation.

Relaxation with the hobby
However, hobbies also make a significant contribution to reducing stress among relatively many respondents, according to the latest survey. Thus, 45.3 percent of participants declared that „Taking care of their hobbies is one of the strategies that they use to offset workloads“, reports the „pharmacy magazine“. In addition, try every second (48.2 percent) „to establish a balanced relationship between work and leisure“ or to achieve a balanced work-life balance in order to minimize the perceived stress. However, relaxation techniques such as yoga or autogenic training are relatively rare. They will according to the „pharmacy magazine“ used by only 4.7 percent of all working people. However, it certainly also plays a role that many people do not master these special relaxation techniques or would have to learn first. (Fp)

Picture: NicoLeHe