Huge pressure to perform More and more suicides among students

Huge pressure to perform More and more suicides among students / Health News
School stress and bullying on social media lead to increased suicides among teenagers
Suicide attempts among teenagers have long been a well-known social problem. However, researchers now find that suicide attempts among teenagers, students and students have increased significantly in recent years. The main culprits are diseases, school blame and mobbing in social networks.

Suicides among teenagers keep on increasing. The British research team led by Cathryn Rodway of the University of Manchester found out in his recent research that school stress, illness, relationship problems and bullying are driving more and more young people into suicide. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "The Lancet Psychiatry".

Teenagers, students and students have many problems in life. Money worries, relationship problems, bullying in social networks, and performance pressures at school or university can lead to self-harm or even suicide. (Image: Syda Productions /

Full-time students are particularly vulnerable to suicide
The new study showed that in 2014 alone in England and Wales, 130 full-time students committed suicide. All of these individuals were at the age of 18 years or older. The year before, there were 100 deaths from suicide among students. About half of all ambulance deployments at universities were related to suicide attempts or self-harm, the scientists warned. The number of suicides was published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It was found that 97 deaths in 2014 affected male students and 33 suicides occurred in women.

ONS notes increasing suicides among students
The highest suicide rate ever was measured in 2010. In England and Wales, 127 students killed themselves this year, say the experts. The records of the ONS began in 2007. At that time there were still 75 suicides a year. Looking at all age groups, young people have the lowest suicide rate, and ONS figures also show that the suicide rate declined at all ages in 2014 compared to 2004, 1994 and 1984, the doctors explain. But there was a noticeable increase among students.

Mental illnesses are a problem of society as a whole
The current findings reinforce concern that universities should offer better advice to students with mental health problems, say the authors. The University of York has now published figures on ambulance missions for self-harm or suicide attempts. This year there were therefore already 12 requirements of ambulances, which related to suicide attempts and self-injury, explain the physicians. This figure represents 50 percent of total ambulance emergencies at the university. In the previous full calendar year, there were 134 such calls at the university. Twenty percent of them were linked to suicide attempts or self-harm, the experts add.

The evaluation of the numbers comes to the conclusion that the frequency and severity of the problems are getting worse and worse. More than 50 other universities have also noted a significant increase in complex mental health crises. The whole thing is a growing problem, not only for the universities, but for the entire society, the scientists add.

Money worries, relationship problems and heavy pressure can lead to suicide
University staff now said they want to provide services that provide more support for their staff and students. In addition, the coordinated approach to local NHS services should be improved, the doctors add. As a growing source of stress, the constant pressures of social media and the threat of cyberbullying have been highlighted. When students are under pressure, problems such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and hopelessness can occur, the experts warn. In addition, many young people have difficulties with relationships, financial worries and the first-time living alone without the family, the researchers add. (As)