Indignation about euthanasia clinic

Indignation about euthanasia clinic / Health News

Outrage over planned euthanasia clinic in the Netherlands


In the coming year, a so-called euthanasia clinic is to be opened in the Netherlands. The planned title of the institution: "Clinic for life termination".

Since 2002, euthanasia in the Netherlands is no longer legally punishable. Since then, the Dutch market has booming in terms of professional euthanasia. Thus, the "Association for a Voluntary End of Life" is planning the opening of an euthanasia clinic entitled "Clinic for the termination of life". A total of 1,000 patients a year wanted to be provided with care at the facility and to help with the termination of life, as the chairman of the association, Petra De Jong, reported. De Jong is also the lead planning member of the euthanasia project. The offer is aimed primarily at seriously ill people whose treatment prospects tend to zero.

In Germany, the Dutch clinic encounters sharp criticism. Representatives of the hospice movement rejected the assisted suicide by the clinic in a statement. So said Eugen Brysch from the German Hospice Foundation: „The seriously ill do not need a killing offer, they need mental, nursing and medical help. Anyone who wants to facilitate assisted suicide in Germany unintentionally opens the door to such tendencies.“ In Germany, hospices support seriously ill people in the last days of their lives. However, no killing drugs are administered, but sedating and strong painkillers. (Sb)

Also read:
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Image: Jetti Kuhlemann