Parents should feed babies to protect against allergies with these two foods

Parents should feed babies to protect against allergies with these two foods / Health News

How can parents avoid food allergies in their children?

We live in a world where food allergies are ever on the rise. Many people develop allergies to certain foods as early as childhood. Physicians recommend that parents feed children with two foods in their first year of life in order to prevent the possible development of allergies.

Australasia Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy scientists have found in their current research that parents can reduce the likelihood of allergies to their children if they give them two foods early on. The experts published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Medical Journal of Australia".

An allergy to peanuts is widespread just among children. How can parents protect their children from such a food allergy? (Image: GSDesign /

Less food allergies due to eggs and peanuts?

Researchers advise parents to include eggs and peanuts in their babies after the first four months of life. If children consume these foods until their twelfth month of life, this leads to improved protection against allergies. Parents should give their babies eggs and peanuts twice a week for consumption, explains study author Dr. Preeti Joshi of the Australasia Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy. The expert adds that there is evidence that babies who regularly consume peanuts have a reduced risk of peanut allergies later in life. Similarly, the consumption of eggs seems to affect a food allergy to eggs.

Information from the Internet can unsettle parents

For example, if parents are unsure whether to give peanuts to their child, they can consult a doctor beforehand to ensure adequate safety. An allergy to peanuts is a common food allergy in children, say the experts. There is much information on the subject of food allergies on the Internet, which can greatly unsettle parents. Therefore, it is normal for some parents to doubt that they can really provide their children with certain foods for consumption. In such cases, a conversation with an expert helps. (As)