Parents let their kids play a lot outside

Parents let their kids play a lot outside / Health News

Survey Study: Parents have their children play a lot outside


Fish Air and exercise are healthy. According to a representative GfK survey, this opinion is also shared by many parents. In addition, many make sure that their children have enough sleep and a healthy diet.

Parents are very concerned about the health of their children
According to the study, for the commission of the journal „Baby and family“ 524 mothers and fathers of underage children were interviewed, the health of the children is particularly important. 83 percent of respondents advocate that the little ones are often in the fresh air. 78 percent of parents make sure that the children get enough sleep. On healthy eating for the offspring put 74 percent. In social contacts, many parents also see an important role in the health of their children. Seventy-three percent of respondents said they support children's friendships and 49 percent support their membership of clubs. Eight out of ten parents also regularly take preventive medical check-ups. 77 percent pay attention to the vaccination of their children.

Exercise in the fresh air is healthy
Not only in the summer, parents should make sure that their little ones spend a lot of time in the fresh air. Even in autumn and winter, children in the wild are hard to break. It is important warm clothes and warm-up phases with hot drinks or a bath. In cold temperatures and lots of exercise, children have an increased calorie requirement, which parents can cover by eating a healthy diet, which should include a lot of fruit and vegetables but also nuts in the cold season.

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Picture: Albrecht E. Arnold