Parent-nightmare doctor fertilized 50 women with their own sperm

Parent-nightmare doctor fertilized 50 women with their own sperm / Health News

Doctor used own sperm to fertilize about 50 women
A US doctor has reported that he uses his own sperm to artificially fertilize women. The now retired physician had at least 50 cases back on his own sperm, without telling the women of this. It is believed that far more mothers are affected.

What to do in case of unfulfilled desire for children?
Women who do not get pregnant despite unprotected intercourse often try different methods of having one more child. Some try sex with timing, others think it may help to stretch legs in the air after the sexual intercourse. And some rely on a sperm donation, but it usually remains unknown who it's from.

In the US, a doctor used his own sperm to fertilize about 50 women. Now it has become known that he is the biological father of at least eight children. (Image: Sebastian Kaulitzki /

Doctor used own seeds for fertilization of about 50 women
In the US, however, several women have now learned from whom came the sperm that was used for their fertilization. And indeed by the doctor himself, who wanted to fulfill their desire to have children in his clinic women.

According to media reports, the now 77-year-old physician from the US state of Indiana in his time as a gynecologist artificially fertilized around 50 women. According to the Washington Times, retired physicians should be the biological father of at least eight children. The youngest of the children thus conceived is therefore around 30 years old.

The true origin of the sperm is hidden
According to a report by "CNN", the scandal came to light after a woman learned through a DNA test that she has several unknown siblings. In search of her biological father, she came to Dr. Donald Cline. He denied the allegations initially, but the evidence and testimonies spoke against him. He acknowledged his misconduct.

According to his own information, he wanted to help the women and could not always find enough sperm donors, which is why he resorted to his own sperm. The doctor had always kept the women from the true origin of the seed and claimed that he came from a doctor's colleagues or medical students.

"It was unethical what he did. He told his patients one thing, but did something else, "said a woman who wanted to remain anonymous, reports" CNN. " "This rarely happens," said Eleanor Nicoll of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Actually, it should be completely ruled out. (Ad)