Elbow pain - These are the causes and treatment options

Elbow pain - These are the causes and treatment options / Health News
What to do if the elbow hurts? Dr. Bastian Marquaß, Specialist in Orthopedics, Traumatology and Sports Medicine of the Joint Clinic Gundelfingen provides answers
Arthritis, bursitis, tennis elbow pain can have many causes. Privatdozent Bastian Marquaß, Specialist in Orthopedics, Traumatology and Sports Medicine of the Joint Clinic Gundelfingen, explains the most common complaints and proven treatment options.

Whether in crafts or playing handball - without the finely controllable motor skills of our elbows our shoulder joints would be pretty much in the fix. Only by the movable connection of upper and lower arm are we able to perform a variety of throwing or striking movements. "This mobility will naturally affect our ligaments and tendons. With each movement of the elbow, parts of them are more or less heavily loaded, "explains Privatdozent Dr. Bastian Marquaß, specialist for orthopedics and sports medicine of the joint clinic Gundelfingen. Multiple consequences: overloading of the articular surfaces and painful tendinitis.

Elbow pain is often caused by bad stress. (Image: underdogstudios / fotolia.com)

Most common tendinitis is the tennis elbow. As the name implies, fans of the "white sport" are often affected. But also home improvement, working for hours on the computer or other one-sided or repetitive movements can trigger this disease. Apart from immobilization, cooling or heat treatments are helpful. For pain relief, combination therapies with stimulation current, ultrasound or shock waves are suitable. If these therapeutic approaches do not improve, surgery may be necessary. "For prevention, high-risk tennis players should check their technique," Dr. Marquaß. "Because here are often mistakes made with serious medical consequences - not only in tennis, but also in other racquet sports."

The expert tip: In order to specifically train and stretch the forearm muscles, it is sufficient to use a Powerball at home. But even a small empty plastic bottle can be used for a targeted training of the extensor tendons. Fill with water and place on the inner surface of the non-diseased hand. Then grab the bottle with the hand touched by the tennis elbow, lift it a few inches and then lay it down again on the inside of the other, still open hand. It is best to repeat this exercise ten to fifteen times a day.

Somewhat misleading is the term golfer elbow. Because this disease is rarely triggered by popular grass sports. It is generally the result of excessive stress on the tendon insertion of the long hand and finger flexor muscles on the inside of the elbow. "In this case, an early anti-inflammatory treatment by the physiotherapist is very important," advises the expert. "Regular stretching exercises on the muscles and tendons of the forearm also have a preventative effect. That's why they should be part of every ambitious golfer's training routine. "As with the tennis elbow, cold and heat treatments, ultrasound, shockwave and stretch therapy can also bring relief here.

When the joint dampers ignite
Repetitive, monotonous movements often lead to bursitis on the elbow. Bursae act as a damper between two joints and protect them from friction damage. Alone in the shoulder area, there are eight of them. "If the pads filled with synovial fluid are exposed to pressure for too long, they can become inflamed," explains Dr. med. Marquaß. Bursitis may also be the result of a bruise or bacterial infection. Usually it heals by itself. Noticeable improvements often bring high storage and immobilization with plaster or rail, as well as cooling ointments. Anti-inflammatory analgesics and cortisone are also an option as are antibiotics for bacterial bursitis. Also helpful here is the shock wave therapy. If the symptoms do not resolve despite conservative treatments, the arthroscopic removal of the bursa is indicated. For endangered occupational groups such as window cleaners or tilers joint protectors are recommended.

By a one-sided load, it can come to the so-called tennis elbow or tennis elbow.

Falls with consequences
If the mobility of the elbow is overwhelmed, it also leads to strains and sprains of the elbow. These complaints usually heal again by themselves. Helpful in this case are also protection or immobilization of the elbow as well as cooling and possibly anti-inflammatory ointments. Not so unproblematic are fractures - often the result of a fall on the outstretched arm. Many of them are skateboard riders or inline skaters. Most serious injuries require surgery, often an artificial elbow joint.

Not infrequently, even painful elbow erosion is the result of a fall. The elbow joint between the humerus and both forearm bone is completely dislocated. "In infants, this also happens more often if you lift them up on the forearms or swing around," explains the elbow specialist. "In any case, it's important to see a doctor immediately so that he can repair the joint as quickly as possible."

When the metabolism is disturbed
Many types of elbow pain have no orthopedic cause. This is due to disorders of the metabolism or the immune system, such as arthritis in the elbow. The healthy tissue of the body is attacked by the body's own immune system. This leads to stinging pain and inflammation, swelling and overheating in the joint. The holistic treatment is based on highly effective medications (including anti-inflammatory drugs) that relieve symptoms and inhibit the inflammatory process. Gout, too, can lead to painful inflammation in the elbow and other joints as a result of disrupting uric acid metabolism. As a rule, an improvement in the metabolism can already be achieved by appropriate nutrition. (Sb, pm)