Electrosmog harms babies in the womb

Electrosmog harms babies in the womb / Health News

Study: Electromagnetic fields already harm babies in the mother's stomach


Electrosmog can cause lasting damage to babies already in the womb. This was the result of a long-term study by researchers at the US Kaiser Foundation Research Institute in Oakland, California. The scientists examined mothers and children who were permanently exposed to a low-frequency electromagnetic field. The researchers found that infants have a three-fold increased risk of asthma in later life.

Low frequency electrosmog damages infants
Even low-frequency electrosmog can cause lasting damage to children in the mother's stomach. A study by US scientists found that children who had been exposed to high levels of electrosmog in the womb during their later years may experience asthma in the chronic respiratory disease. The risk of acquiring asthma was 3.5 times higher for those affected. For the long-term study, several hundred women were already diagnosed with electrical radiation during their pregnancy due to their living situation during the 1990s. To measure the radiation exposure, the subjects carried with them a measuring device which recorded magnetic fields in the low-frequency range for 24 hours. Low frequency electromagnetic radiation is, for example, radiation from power lines or microwaves. High-frequency magnetic fields are caused by cell phones or wireless local Internet networks (WLAN). Last mentioned radiation exposure was not registered by the meter.

Higher asthma risk
In the second phase of the trial, the children were accompanied until they were 14 years old. During this time, the children were repeatedly examined and their disease history noted. It was noticeable in the evaluations that a higher susceptibility to asthma was present when mothers were exposed to high low-frequency radiation during pregnancy. In contrast, asthma development in children of mothers with lower radiation doses was threefold lower. In this context, other strong influencing factors such as genetic dispositions, age of the child's mother during pregnancy, regular household income, allergies or cigarette consumption of parents were included in the risk assessment.

The results in the overview
Compared to children whose mothers have a low MF level (median 24-hour MF level, ≤ 0.3 mg) were exposed during pregnancy, children whose mothers were exposed to a high MF level (> 2.0 mg) had more than a 3.5-fold increased risk of asthma (AHR, 3.52, 95 % CI, 1.68-7.35). Children whose mothers had a moderate MF level burden (> 0.3-2.0 mg) had a 74 percent increased rate of asthma (AHR, 1.74, 95% CI, 0.93-3, 25). A statistically significant interaction between the MF effect and maternal asthma and the order of births (first-born) could also be observed.

Further studies necessary
The results should now be verified by subsequent evidence-based studies. The study director De-Kun Li is sure that the study has at least one important message: „Exposure to electromagnetic fields is not good“. The negative effects on the health of the children would have to be considered more in the future, the researcher said. Why the asthma risk was significantly higher, is still unknown. This question must be followed by further study work. The results were in the science magazine „Archives of Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine“ released.

Electrification with health effects
The electrification of public and private space has been steadily increasing for 20 years. For some time scientists, medical practitioners and non-medical practitioners have been discussing a connection between health and radiation exposure. Electrosensitive people repeatedly report headaches, blood pressure increases or migraine attacks. As a trigger electromagnetic radiation in the radio and microwave area are made responsible. To this day, one does not know exactly what electrical and magnetic currents cause in the body. However, influences on protein synthesis, stress effects on the hormone system and disturbances of cell membranes have been discussed for a good 20 years. For example, some epidemiological studies point to an increased risk of leukemia in the vicinity of electricity pylons and pipelines. People with electrical occupations are also at an increased risk of cancer. (Sb)

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