Ice tea can cause kidney stones

Ice tea can cause kidney stones / Health News

Ice tea increases the risk of kidney stones: Healthy lifestyle can prevent


People who are prone to kidney stones should refrain from eating iced tea on hot summer days. Black tea and green tea contain oxalic acid, which has been shown to promote the formation of kidney stones. This explained the chairman of the professional association of German internists, Dr. med. Wolfgang Wesiack. A healthy lifestyle can greatly minimize the risk of developing it.

Stinging pains in the water, spasmodic muscle contractions or even blood in the urine - statistically, every 25th German has to expect to suffer from kidney stones at least once in his life. In men between the ages of 20 and 50, these painful calcifications are much more common than in women. The formation of such crystalline residues can not be prevented according to current medical knowledge. However, certain measures prevent the development of other kidney stones.

In about 80 percent of cases, the urine flushes small kidney crystals out of the body without any problems. Patients often do not notice them at all or only accidentally during an examination. Such stones only require regular checks. „It only becomes unpleasant when larger stones get stuck in the ureter and cause painful renal colic. The resulting urinary tract infections and urinary drainage disorders may damage the kidneys“, knows Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and managing director of the medical network Uro-GmbH Nordrhein. Such kidney stones require immediate cause-oriented treatment. Because the formation of kidney stones is often hereditary. But also wrong eating and drinking habits contribute to the formation of kidney stones. They are caused by deposits of various substances that are actually in dissolved form in the urine.

Certain habits promote the crystallization into stones - especially in people who are prejudiced. The one-time removal of a kidney stone by shock waves or an endoscopic procedure removes acute complaints quickly and gently, but does not prevent the formation of further kidney stones. Above all, those affected have to change their way of life in order to lead a life free of complaints.

Change in eating and drinking behavior reduces kidney stone risk
„The risk of developing new kidney stones reduces patients by changing their eating and drinking habits“, advises Dr. Shepherd. They rely on a balanced mixed diet with whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Animal fats, so sausage and meat, are best rarely on the menu. It is also important to avoid excessive salt. Sufficient hydration also minimizes the kidney stone risk. Suitable drinks are water, unsweetened fruit and herbal teas very well. In addition to nutrition, exercise plays an important role in preventing kidney stones. Regular physical activity and the reduction of obesity are supportive and can even prevent kidney stones from setting.

If kidney stones develop repeatedly, urologists recommend an accurate metabolic study. They perform a blood and urine analysis. These results allow the further treatment to be tailored to the individual patient. (Pm / sb)

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Picture: Sylvia Voigt