Ice cream checks detect mass intestinal germs in ice cream

Ice cream checks detect mass intestinal germs in ice cream / Health News
Germs detected in ice cream during checks
Around eight liters of ice cream are consumed by the average German every year. Like almost all foods, ice cream is regularly controlled by experts. In hessian ice cream shops, authorities have now examined numerous samples and discovered bacteria in every sixteen of them.

Germs that also occur in the intestine
Inspectors discovered bacteria in about every 16th sample when testing ice in Hessian ice cream parcels, according to news agency dpa. According to the information, however, these were not harmful to health. The Hessian State Laboratory (LHL) reported on Tuesday in Gießen that it was not salmonella or listeria, but germs that also found in the intestine. "The germs detected here came from the family Enterobacteriaceae, which are also part of a healthy intestinal flora in humans and animals. They serve as indicators of hygiene deficiencies and fecal contamination, "explained the director of the Hessian State Laboratory, Prof. Dr. med. Hubert Brunn.

Intestinal germs found in ice cream. Image: Paul Boncoeur - fotolia

Last summer, more germs were found
In most cases, the bacteria reached the ice via the scoop, which in many cases is stored in standing water even when exposed to heat. Prof. Brunn said in a statement: "These are ideal conditions for germs, under which they naturally reproduce cheerfully." A total of 379 samples were examined. It is said that significantly fewer germs have been detected compared to a sample this past summer. At that time, the inspectors were still found at about every eighth sample. However, they had much to complain about this year with the whipped cream from vending machines. According to the information, more than two-thirds of the total of 147 samples were out of order. This was significantly more than last year with a rate of 42 percent. According to Brunn, there may be several reasons for this, such as inadequate cleaning or incorrect handling of the devices.

A German consumes around eight liters of ice a year
Ice cream is made from water, milk, cream and sometimes egg yolks. In addition, there are often flavors, lots of sugar and the later flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or woodruff. According to surveys, Germans like to eat vanilla ice cream, followed closely by chocolate ice cream. The average German consumes around eight liters of ice every year. Enterobacteria, which were found by the Hessian controllers, are not directly hazardous to health. In exceptional cases, however, they can cause discomfort such as abdominal pain, stomach and intestinal disorders or diarrhea in persons with weakened immune system, according to health experts. (Ad)