Population in Germany is falling slightly

Population in Germany is falling slightly / Health News

Population in Germany is falling slightly: continuing low birth rates


In the last year, the population in Germany has gone back slightly. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office, about 81.7 people were living in Germany by the end of 2011. In purely statistical terms, the number of inhabitants has fallen by 0.1 percent compared to the previous year.

Still low birth rate in Germany

As reported by the Federal Statistical Office, the figures are initially forecasts. The numbers result from the extrapolated deaths and births. Furthermore, immigration and emigration were added. According to the prognosis, about 665,000 to 680,000 births and about 850,000 to 860,000 deaths occur in 2010. That results in a relative birth deficit of 180,000 to 195,000. Despite parental allowance, fewer and fewer new births are registered. The most common causes of death were cancer and cardiovascular disease.

More immigration than emigrants
For the first time since 2007, the Federal Office registered more immigrants, as emigrants in Germany. According to initial estimates, 80,000 to 100,000 more people immigrated to Germany than emigrated. Significant higher emigration has been calculated in recent years as people immigrated to Germany. However, immigration is still insufficient to compensate for the birth deficit. Therefore, the population has shrunk to 81.7 million people. This corresponds to a minus of 0.1 percent. For comparison: Just ten years ago, around 82,210,000 people lived in Germany. (Sb)

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Image: Moni Sertel