Insertion of pollen causes hay fever

Insertion of pollen causes hay fever / Health News

Mild winter leads to an early start of the hay fever season


The unusually mild temperatures of this winter have unpleasant consequences for pollen allergy sufferers. Already in November and December many allergic people showed the first symptoms of hay fever, according to the latest release of the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB). In view of the spring-like temperatures, the hazel pollen flight started extremely early, which leads to an increased occurrence of allergic complaints. Also, the German Weather Service (DWD) reports according to the DAAB already a slight Haselpollenflug „for North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Thuringia's lowlands, Saarland, Palatinate, Nahe and Mosel, Main Franconia.“

According to DWD, a medium pollen count can already occur in the Rhine-Main area, the Upper Rhine region and the lower Neckar valley. In conversation with the news agency „dpa“ recommends Sonja Lämmel from the DAAB in Mönchengladbach the pollen allergy sufferers, their medication now already ready and take if necessary. „Because some you have to take longer, so they work“, Lämmel continues. Although this year a connection between the allergic complaints and the mild weather is to be expected, which is currently bringing us the Atlantic low Christina, which is also responsible for the devastating cold spell in the USA. But could be found longer, „that the pollen count starts earlier year by year“, so the message of the DAAB.

Where is the cause of the increased allergic reactions?
Thus, the question arises whether the unusual symptoms that are currently being observed are triggered by the early-flowering plants or whether a prolonged flowering time of other plants is the cause. Also, the allergic complaints could be triggered by new types of pollen from here more propagated or newly propagated trees and shrubs, according to the DAAB. According to the experts, cross-reactions among the pollen may also play a role. Last but not least, the question remains whether „the symptoms of allergy triggers are (are) triggered, which are no longer bound in pollen, but circulate freely in the outside air and have not yet been detected by measurements.“

Allergic symptoms such as the main pollination season
„Although the number of pollen is still very low, they cause as violent reactions in allergic people as in the pollen season“, reports the European Foundation for Allergy Research (ECARF) in a separate communication. Professor med. Karl-Christian Bergmann, ECARF expert and director of the German Pollen Information Service Foundation, further explained that hazel bushes „According to their natural rhythm, more was produced last year, whereas the birch trees produce less pollen“ to have. As a result, fewer hazel pollen are to be expected for 2014, but birch trees are expected to be more active. „The number of alder pollen will be similar to last year“, Prof. Bergmann continues. One reason for the particularly strong reactions of allergy sufferers at the beginning of pollen flow was „the weaning of the nose from the pollen, as they have not flown for months.“ However, he could „even a cold or a cold that has gotten over the nose can make the nose more sensitive.“

Pollen allergy sufferers who are already suffering from the typical symptoms of hay fever should, according to Professor Bergmann, consult an allergist if in doubt. With the help of an antihistamine or possibly a short-term immunotherapy, this can definitely help those affected, according to the ECARF release. It is also useful in the opinion of the experts, „to get informed regularly about the pollen flight.“ (Fp)