Loneliness can increase blood pressure

Loneliness can increase blood pressure / Health News

Study: Loneliness leads to increased blood pressure?

Many know the feeling: loneliness - especially when it lasts longer - beats on the mind. But now American researchers have found through a study at the University of Chicago that loneliness not only affects the psyche negatively, but may also affect the physique in the form of elevated blood pressure. The researchers had asked participants in the study to assess the "degree" of their loneliness themselves and came to the conclusion that among those who felt lonely, the blood pressure increased significantly in the course of the study.

According to the scientists, the link between perceived loneliness and high blood pressure is a strong fear of social ties. For example, people who feel lonely may enjoy social contact but are also very afraid of being rejected. This fear, researchers suggest, may lead to physiological changes, including increased blood pressure.

Possibilities of treatment in natural medicine
If the blood pressure is higher than it should be, naturopathy offers various ways to bring it back into balance. For example, the mistletoe mother tincture proven in many cases and the wild garlic tincture in patients who additionally suffer from atherosclerosis (colloquially: "arteriosclerosis"). If high blood pressure is accompanied by overweight or high blood lipid levels - which often occurs together - the art tincture of Artichoke is an effective remedy. (sb, 21.03.2010)

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