Some wasp stings can also be life-threatening for non-allergic people

Some wasp stings can also be life-threatening for non-allergic people / Health News
Also dangerous for non-allergic people: tips against wasp stings
While eating cakes in the garden, in the ice cream parlor or on the fruit stand: In August masses of wasps are on the way again. Especially for people with an insect sting allergy, bites can be dangerous. But even for non-allergy is a danger, such as when they are stung in the mouth or neck area.

Wasp stings can also be dangerous for non-allergic people
In August, due to the summer heat again masses of wasps are approaching. The bites of insects are annoying and painful. With an allergy, they can even lead to death in the worst case. Even for non-allergic people, the stitches can be dangerous, such as when they occur in the neck area. The Austrian Red Cross (WCC) refers to this in a communication.

People who suffer from insect sting allergies know how dangerous wasp stings can be. But even for non-allergy sufferers, the stitches pose a danger, especially if they occur in the mouth or neck area. (Image: jcwait /

Serious consequences possible
"The skin around the puncture site often reddens and swells," explains Dr. med. Wolfgang Schreiber, chief physician of the WCC. If one is stung in the mouth area, this swelling can make breathing difficult. In addition, people who have not responded to an insecticide can suddenly develop an allergy.

"The immune system responds with an exaggerated defense reaction to the foreign substance that enters the body through the sting. In addition to the swelling, it can also lead to severe circulatory problems, "said the expert. The possible consequences can range from fever, vomiting and respiratory distress to circulatory collapse.

Protect from wasps
Smoke and fire are ways to protect yourself from wasps. So it has proven, according to experts, to put ignited coffee powder on the table. Other home remedies for wasps can help. If enough space is available, for example, you can place sweet fruit or lemonade a few meters away to keep the animals away.

Cool stitches with cold compresses
But what to do if the wasp stabbed? If the sting is still visible, it should be carefully pulled out with the tweezers. Then cool the area around the stitch with cold compresses so that the swelling fades faster. As a home remedy for wasp stings are also onions or lemon slices, which are placed on the affected areas.

Allergy sufferers help
"People who know about their allergy to insect venom often have their own emergency medications. As a first responder you can help them with the intake, "explains Dr. med. Schreiber. Sucking ice can help prevent the addition of airways. "If general symptoms such as shortness of breath or collapse occur necessarily make an emergency call" writer.

No deadly snakes in this country
The experts of the WCC also comment on possible snakebites in their report. It is important to know that there are no deadly snakes in this country. "If one is bitten by a domestic poisonous snake like adder or sand viper, symptoms of intoxication can occur, but these are generally not life-threatening," said the chief physician. In case of snake bites, as with insect bites, the swelling is stopped by cooling. "Under no circumstances should the wound be sucked out or tied off," warns the doctor. (Ad)