Fasting for a few days makes the brain powerful The discovered nerve hormone makes it possible

Fasting for a few days makes the brain powerful The discovered nerve hormone makes it possible / Health News
Fasting for the spirit? This is confirmed by British scientists: The starvation hormone ghrelin also acts on nerve cells.

Fasting for knowledge
Shamanism in Siberia knows fasting as a means of inner cleansing, as well as Indian medicine and Greek philosophers of antiquity who fasted to enter the spiritual world. And the vernacular says: "Full stomach does not like to study"

Is fasting good for the mind? The starvation hormone ghrelin also helps in forming brain cells. (Dima_pics /

The inner way?
Why fasting stimulates mental activity, there are many explanations. Philosophers and Buddhists praise the withdrawal of outer worldly charms in order to focus on the "inner world".

Have your head free
Biologists see it scientifically: After rich food, the organism is busy with the digestion and has said, casually, "the head not free".

The hunger hormone
If the signal is "hungry!", Then the stomach produces the hormone ghrelin. It regulates the appetite.

Hunger and brain
Recent studies suggest the following: Ghrelin not only leads to appetite and cravings, but also promotes the growth of new brain cells.

The youth hormone
The hormone probably even protects against damaging environmental influences and thus slows down the aging process. This was the result of a British research team led by Dr. Ing. Jeffrey Davies.

Mice and humans?
Mice injected with ghrelin improved their performance in learning and memory tests. In their brains showed more neuronal cladding. Although this can not be transferred directly to humans, but also experiments in the Petri dish showed similar results.

The findings on the effects of ghrelin may be important for the treatment of Parkionson's disease. Because this nervous disorder is accompanied by a loss of nerve cells that produce the hormone dopamine. Therefore, patients lose control over their movements.

Ghrelin and dopamine
According to Davies, ghrelin protects dopamine cells from biochemical disturbances. Therefore, it should be looked at as a remedy for the symptoms of Parkinson's. Conversely, Parkinson's patients show a very low level of ghrelin.

Calories and ghrelin
If we restrict the intake of calories, then the level of ghrelin in the blood increases.

So is fasting an energy drink for the brain? It is not that easy: the new brain cells do not form immediately, and are only in use weeks after they arise.

The ghrelin also does not make it easy for us. After all, it indicates hunger - and penetrating. The hormone is also responsible for the cravings that anyone who has ever fasted before knows.

Controlled diet
In order to lift the ghrelin level permanently, radical diets therefore make little sense. Because first of all we feel less spiritual enlightenment, but crave for the satisfaction of our hunger.

It is better to put in phases again and again in which we reduce the calories. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)