One hundred cases of patient reported major hepatitis A outbreak in Berlin

One hundred cases of patient reported major hepatitis A outbreak in Berlin / Health News
In Berlin, a hepatitis A epidemic has broken out - Already 100 cases of illness
In Berlin, more and more people are becoming infected with the hepatitis A virus. According to experts, the notifiable infectious disease has not only broken out in the German capital, but internationally. But there are ways to protect yourself.

Hepatitis A epidemic in Berlin
A hepatitis A wave in Berlin is currently giving health experts a headache. Since the beginning of the epidemic in November 2016, 100 cases have already been reported in the capital, according to the latest epidemiological weekly report from the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso). The current outbreak hits "especially men who have sex with men (MSM)," writes the office. The experts point out that you can protect yourself with a vaccine.

In Berlin, more and more people are becoming infected with the hepatitis A virus. With a vaccine you can protect yourself from the infectious disease. (Image: Adam Gregor /

Condoms do not provide safe protection
According to the Lageso are 91 men out of the 100 sufferers. 62 of them said they had sex with men. In 16 cases, the status is still being determined.

For comparison, the mean of the past five years for the reference period is 22 diseases. Just last week, two new cases became known.

The Lageso points out "that condom use does not provide safe protection against the sexual transmission of hepatitis A viruses."

However, there is a safe vaccine against hepatitis A.

Transmission by smear infection
Among other things, the virus is transmitted through contaminated drinking water and food, as shown by contaminated strawberries in smoothies in a US hepatitis A outbreak.

"Transmission is fecal-oral through contact or smear infection, either in the context of close personal contacts, e.g. in the kindergarten or in the common household, or of sexual contacts, especially in men who have sex with men (MSM), "writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

Hepatitis usually causes flu-like symptoms at the beginning
In hepatitis, depending on the type of virus different symptoms may occur, but at the beginning usually show more general symptoms such as fatigue, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, mild fever and vomiting.

Later, other typical signs such as dark urine, a light bowel movement and yellow eyes or skin ("jaundice") may be added.

Vaccination recommended for risk groups
The Lageso indicates that there is a safe hepatitis A vaccine recommended for MSM according to the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO). Even nurses in hospitals and nursing homes should be vaccinated.

The Berlin Medical Association writes on its website: "With a single vaccination, the vaccinated individuals are already sufficiently protected within 2-4 weeks after vaccination. To ensure long-term protection, a second dose should be given 6 to 18 months after the first dose. "

In Germany, the approximately 40-euro-expensive vaccination in high-risk patients is usually paid by the health insurance companies.

Club and gay metropolis
According to the experts, the hepatitis A outbreak in Berlin shows epidemiological relationships with cases in other German and European cities.

In the capital, because of the sharp increase in cases and the international dimension, an "outbreak team" consisting of representatives of the RKI, the Lageso and district health authorities and priority practices for sexually transmitted diseases was formed, reports the "Berliner Morgenpost".

Since Berlin is a club and gay metropolis, there is an increased risk of locals and tourists becoming infected in clubs. The RKI identified places where the transfers took place by intensive questioning of the infected, contact persons and medical practices.

As the newspaper report states, the Berghain in Friedrichshain and the Kit Kat Club in Mitte are among the institutions affected. In the latter, an information event on hepatitis A was held at the beginning of May. (Ad)