Limited sense of smell first indication of Alzheimer's

Limited sense of smell first indication of Alzheimer's / Health News
Bad sense of smell may indicate Alzheimer's, years before the first symptoms appear
Many people suffer from Alzheimer's disease in advanced age. Researchers have now found that diminished odor identification in healthy elderly individuals may be a practical and affordable biomarker in Alzheimer's disease pathology.

Researchers at McGill University found that people with difficulties in identifying odors are often at increased risk of developing Alzheimer's. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Neurology".

More and more older people are currently suffering from Alzheimer's. Researchers found that a diminished sense of smell may indicate Alzheimer's disease years before the first symptoms appear. (Image:

Aggravated odor identification is a clear biological indicator of Alzheimer's disease
The symptoms of dementia are not just associated with memory loss, but depending on the type of dementia, they can affect those affected differently. A difficult identification of odors is a clear purely biological indicator for Alzheimer's, say the experts. There is growing evidence that the perception of environmental stimuli by individuals can be influenced by the neurological damage caused to the brain. So the smell could be affected, the scientists add.

Changes in the brain can occur 20 to 30 years before the first symptoms
In order to find a possible link between odor and dementia, it should also be noted that problems in identifying odors may also indicate many other medical conditions. In addition to the association between the loss of so-called olfactory perception and the onset of dementia, McGill University experts found that the pathological changes in the brain can occur twenty to thirty years before the first symptoms.

Often, symptoms for Alzheimer's are interpreted as part of natural aging
Sometimes people do not realize that such symptoms can indicate health problems. Many people mistakenly assume that such behavior is a normal part of the aging process, the physicians add. The symptoms may be slow to develop and go unnoticed for a long time.

People with dementia need our support
Unfortunately, research is still a long way from a simple test to detect dementia at an early stage. However, timely diagnosis is important for effective treatment. Access to early intervention, treatment and support can make a huge difference in the treatment of dementia. This applies to those affected, carers and family members, explain the scientists. With some support, people with dementia can continue to do many things they did before they diagnosed their condition.

Cases of dementia will continue to increase in the future
Without sustainable disease research and a medical breakthrough in the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of dementia, dementia will increase massively in the future. The care and support of people with dementia is thus one of the greatest health challenges of our time, explain the scientists. However, there are currently only a small number of drugs that can have a positive effect on the symptoms of dementia. In addition, there are very few cognitive tests, brain scans and studies of genetic markers, which may indicate the presence of dementia, add the physicians.

The quality of life of people with dementia must be maintained
Since there is no cure for dementia, it must be ensured that people with dementia are able to live with the best quality of life. Medical research is an important part of finding ways to slow or even stop the progression of dementia. (As)