Introduction of a new low-rate tariff in private health insurance

Introduction of a new low-rate tariff in private health insurance / Health News

Non-payers plan for the PKV planned


The private health insurance (PKV) have increasingly difficulties with insured who can not pay their contributions. Therefore, private insurers plan according to a message from the news agency „dpa“ apparently the introduction of a cheap tariff for non-payers.

The discount tariff is to enter into force for private insured persons if they do not pay their contributions over a longer period of time. Because according to the private health insurance companies, the nearly 150,000 non-payers burden the insurance with more than half a billion euros. The possibility to terminate the affected person exists - since the introduction of compulsory insurance in 2009 under the then Minister of Health Ulla Schmidt (SPD) 2009 - not more, so that was the only option for the non-payer so far the so-called base rate in question.

But even for the base rate in the private health insurance may under certain circumstances, the average maximum rate of statutory health insurance due. A sum that many insured people apparently can not afford and so is a considerable increase of non-payers to watch. At the end of September 2011, according to a spokesman of the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV), the daily newspaper „The world“ A total of 144,000 non-payers in private health insurance. Also the Debeka boss Uwe Laue had opposite the news agency „dpa“ talked about 150,000 private insured who do not pay their contributions. According to the CEO of Debeka is the „Contribution debt now at 550 million euros.“

Introduction of a non-payer tariff with minimal scope of service
To plug the financial hole, the private health insurance plans now apparently a tariff, which should include only acute benefits and pregnancies. This would still cost 100 euros per month, but the private insurers hope that far more non-payers than previously can afford this sum. However, the private health insurance companies still need the support of the Federal Government for the introduction of the low-rate tariff, as the minimum scope of benefits has yet to be laid down by the legislature. For a good reason, one might think, because the minimum level of medical care should apply to all. But the policy also seems to be the „world“ ready for the changes. Thus the appropriate planning in the Federal Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Justice for the introduction of a PKV tariff with small achievement extent and costs of 100 euro monthly already far advanced, reports the sheet. The information was confirmed from government circles so far.

Non-payers in the PKV homemade problem?
The non-payer tariff with significantly reduced range of services would threaten defaulting contributors after a two-time warning. After the second dunning stage, their previous tariff would be automatically suspended and instead resort to the non-tariff rate, in which the insurance only pay for the medical services in an emergency. The data on private insured persons from last year show why private health insurances are now pushing for the introduction of such a low-fare tariff. The number of defaulting contributors was already higher in November 2010 than the net new additions to members. For example, 88,500 insured persons paid no contributions in 2010 for at least six months. But the problem is largely homemade. Because many private insured are simply overwhelmed by the contribution increases in the field of private health insurance. Also, the insurance companies lure the members with particularly favorable entry conditions, which, however, usually follow after a few years drastic contribution increases. This often also affects people who could not have afforded a PKV tariff under normal circumstances.

Services are only accepted in an emergency
While Wiltrud Pekarek, board member of the Hallescher Krankenversicherung, opposite the „world“ emphasized the advantages of a new legal regulation for the insured community and described it as a way to mitigate the increase in arrears, the bottom line for those affected are substantial losses in the scope of their insurance cover. Since only in acute situations, the benefits are taken, for example, all preventive care and routine checks would be omitted. Thus, the insured would end up significantly worse there, as in the basic rate of PKV or the statutory health insurance. A model that at least raises doubts. (Fp)

Read about:
Private health insurance: Many do not pay
Complaints about increase in PKV contributions
New PKV tariff for non-payers
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