Simple trick Open hard nuts with the aid of a freezer

Simple trick Open hard nuts with the aid of a freezer / Health News
Not infrequently, nuts are very hard. Anyone who grabs such a, quickly throws the towel. But with a simple trick, even the toughest nuts can crack, as the consumer information service "aid" reports.

Healthy nuts cracked lightly. Picture: fotolia

Today, nuts are known to be good for heart vessels and blood lipid levels. Particularly valuable are the unsaturated fatty acids in the nut. These lower blood cholesterol and lower arterial calcification. Nuts also contain valuable minerals and vitamins and trace elements. Magnesium, vitamins E and B are just a few examples. So it's fair to say that nuts can enrich our diet as an important nutrient and energy source. But how do you get a tough nut to crack if even the nutcracker fails?

Consumer Information Service Aid says: "Put the nuts in the freezer for one hour." The cold changes the structure of the bowl. As a result, the nuts are much easier to open. Only with the macadamia nuts this trick does not work. These can only be cracked with special tools. "Buy macadamia nuts without peel. (aid, sb)