Simple retinal test can diagnose Alzheimer's already 20 years before the outbreak

Simple retinal test can diagnose Alzheimer's already 20 years before the outbreak / Health News
Medical professionals make a breakthrough in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is a widespread neurodegenerative disease all over the world. The disease usually occurs in the elderly. Researchers have now developed a new eye test that can detect Alzheimer's disease as early as two decades before the first symptoms.

Researchers at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center found that a simple eye test can tell if people develop Alzheimer's disease later in life. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "JCI Insight".

An examination of the retina can be used to reliably diagnose Alzheimer's disease. The discovery of amyloid plaques indicates an increased risk of Alzheimer's already 20 years before the onset of the disease. (Image: vicu9 /

What is Alzheimer's??
There are millions of people with Alzheimer's disease worldwide. The disease usually affects people over the age of 65 years. Typical of the disease is that the cognitive performance continues to deteriorate in those affected.

Examination of the eyes a reliable and inexpensive test for Alzheimer's
The experts compared the results of the retinal test with the results of scans of the affected person's brain. Both tests were successful in determining which people had a greatly increased amount of plaque buildup in their brains. The results are the first indication that ocular examination can be a reliable, low-cost and non-invasive test for detecting Alzheimer's disease, the researchers explain.

Test of the retina allows easier monitoring of the disease
The results indicate that the retina can be used as a reliable source for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, the study author Dr. Maya Koronyo-Hamaoui. A great advantage of this study is the simple repeatability of the analysis of the retina. This will enable physicians to more easily monitor the progression of the disease.

Study participants took curcumin
For the development of the new test, 16 subjects were examined and medically monitored. The participants took a solution containing curcumin. Curcumin is a natural component of the spice turmeric. This plant is native to South Asia and is often referred to as yellow ginger or turmeric.

Curcumin reveals amyloid plaque in the retina
The curcumin causes the amyloid plaques to shine in the retina, so to speak. So it can then be detected by a scan of the retina. The results of the tests on the patient were compared with the results of a group of younger and cognitively healthy individuals, explain the scientists.

Further research is necessary
In their investigation, the experts found that the diagnostic results were as accurate as the standard invasive method. A very important finding of the new study is also the discovery of so-called amyloid plaques in previously overlooked peripheral regions of the retina, the researchers emphasize. The amount of plaque in the retina correlates with the amount of plaques in certain areas of the brain, the researchers explain. However, the study included only a very small number of subjects and further research on this topic is now urgently needed. (As)