Simple but effective therapy for depression and anxiety disorders

Simple but effective therapy for depression and anxiety disorders / Health News
New type of treatment could help sufferers and save a lot of money
Depression and anxiety are the most common types of mental disorders. As the incidence of these psychiatric disorders increases, there is a growing need for professional treatments. However, these are often expensive and therefore not possible for every person affected. Researchers have now discovered that there is one treatment method that is not very expensive and yet effective. Simple conversations with the patient can be as effective in treating depression as a conventional cognitive-behavioral therapy.

A team of British scientists has now found out in an investigation that talking to depressed patients can reduce the symptoms of the disease. The type of treatment is simple, effective and, above all, inexpensive. Conversations with other people can be as effective for patients with depression as a conventional cognitive-behavioral therapy, the researchers report. Another advantage of this treatment is that it does not require highly qualified experts and therefore saves money. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "The Lancet".

People with anxiety and depression often seek the help of specialists. Physicians have now found out that even discussions with non-specialist trained people help to reduce the symptoms. (Image: WavebreakMediaMicro /

Huge costs to treat depression and anxiety
According to the World Health Organization, the treatment and health consequences of depression and anxiety cost the world's economy about $ 1 trillion a year, study authors report. Depression and anxiety are widespread among both men and women. Women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety disorders as men.

Unfortunately, treatments for these types of diseases are usually quite expensive. Typically, professionals rely on so-called cognitive-behavioral therapy to counteract depression. However, conversations with affected individuals can treat depression, anxiety and psychosis equally well, the researchers add.

What to do in depression?
Depression is a mental disorder. Sufferers often suffer from a negative mood and the loss of pleasure, interest, drive and performance. Similar symptoms also occur at times in healthy people. However, a so-called depressive syndrome lasts longer. There are different types of treatment for these disorders. For example, severe depression can be treated with fungi or a novel virtual treatment can reduce the symptoms.

Of course, there are also many classic treatments such as cognitive therapies and treatment with antidepressants. Alternatively, sports and steady yoga training works well in mental illness. Successful treatment can greatly improve the quality of life of those affected.

What is Behavioral Activation??
According to the British researchers, even non-professionals can help people with depression to better manage their condition. Thus, anxiety and depression can be reduced slightly, without the cost of treatment is a disturbing factor, say the authors. Behavioral Activation (BA) is the name of the type of treatment. This treatment focuses on how the person affected by depression thinks, explain the scientists.

Conversations as an alternative to cognitive behavioral therapy
Traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy is also a treatment in which therapists focus on the mindset of the patient, explains author Professor David Richards of the University of Exeter. However, the results of the study show that normal conversation can be a real alternative to cognitive behavioral therapies, the professor adds.

Behavioral Activation is a simple, inexpensive and effective form of treatment
We found out that the BA is a simpler psychological treatment than cognitive-behavioral therapy and can be performed by full-time medical staff, the researchers report. Thus, effective psychological therapy for depression can be performed inexpensively and without the need for highly trained professionals, say the authors of the study.

Depression and anxiety increase dramatically
The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the number of people suffering from depression and anxiety doubled between 1990 and 2013. The number of patients with depression and anxiety was 416 million in 1990. In 2013, there were already 615 million affected, explain the doctors.

Currently, about ten percent of the world's population suffer from depression and anxiety. Mental disorders account for about 30 percent of the global burden of non-lethal diseases, the researchers add. (As)