An infidelity can endanger your health

An infidelity can endanger your health / Health News

An infidelity during a partnership can endanger your health: According to a study by the University of Turin, infidelity can not only endanger your relationship, but also damage your health.

About an infidelity during a firm partnership or marriage is spoken only under closed doors, is too great shame of all concerned. An affair can endanger not only the relationship, but also the health. What sounds like a moral cudgel, is actually fact. An Italian study by the University of Turin has recently found that men have the highest risk of migraine and diseased arteries during an affair.

Most men experience a very high level of stress during the time of the double relationship. The stress almost goes straight to the head. An effective antidote is, according to researchers from the US "Colorado State University" to confess the infidelity of his partner or partner. This would at least reduce the risk of damage to health, according to researchers. Ultimately, however, it is their own values ​​and morality that lead to an increase in stress and inner turmoil. For many men, the confession of an affair brings an emotional relief and the stress moderates. The prerequisite for this, of course, is that both partners constructively deal with the admission.

The dupes suffer from the partner's affair
An infidelity not only harbors the health dangers for those who „cheating“. As Christoph Kröger, psychologist at the TU Braunschweig reports to the magazine "Men's Health", the knowledge of a partner's affair can lead to anxiety and depression. The psychologist warns the magazine: "These symptoms are similar to the mental disorders after a serious car accident". Anyone who feels lovesick knows what it feels like.

One in four men has ever had an affair
How often is cheating in the course of a partnership? "One out of every four men has had an affair in his current relationship; Ragnar Beer, psychologist at the University of Göttingen, in the magazine "Men's Health". Often the cause of an affair is sexual dissatisfaction within marriage or partnership. Many then seek the adventure in an affair and go to appropriate offers. Compared to the relatively high number of affairs, people's rejection is very high. 94 percent of women and men in the western industrialized countries categorically reject an infidelity. A double standard that also affects your health. (sb, 05.11.2010)

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Source: Men's Health Issue 12/2010, EVT 10 November 2010