A few health insurance companies want to refund contributions

Cashiers want insured to repay contributions
The first health insurance funds have begun to pay out their billions of surpluses to the insured. First and foremost the Techniker Krankenkasse plans to distribute at least 100 euros to the contributors at the turn of the year. According to a small survey of the news magazine „Focus“ every third cash register thinks about a bonus. Others rely on a wider range of healthcare services.
In addition to the Hanseatic and the Techniker Krankenkasse, other statutory health insurance plans are now planning to pay out part of the surpluses generated to the insured. Because the contribution rate rose to 15.5 percent in the beginning of 2011, spending in the pharmaceutical sector in relation to revenue declined and the employment rate rose, the health insurance companies were able to accumulate a surplus of at least 20 billion euros. On the part of politicians, the coffers were repeatedly asked to use the additional revenue also for contribution repayments. According to the magazine, the magazine surveyed 81 of the 146 cash registers that exist on the market. Of the interviewees, every third person reported, „Scopes for contribution repayments“ to see. Nineteen health insurance companies even stated that they were already working on concrete models that could make reimbursement possible. The majority of „willing cash registers“ were according to the survey company health insurance (BKK).
Premiums between 50 and 100 euros per year and contributor
According to the magazine 74 percent want to achieve a payout for the year 2012 between 50 to a maximum of 100 euros. The payments would be made in the coming year. 10 percent said they would realize the low payout, and 16 percent saw opportunities for a bonus beyond the 100 euro mark. Co-insured and children would not receive a premium, but only insured persons who themselves pay a health insurance contribution.
Cash registers rely more on additional offers
A contribution payment, however, see most health insurance rather critical. Rather, they want to rely on more health services. According to this, 84 percent of respondents said they want to design more member benefits. This includes naturopathy, osteopathy, teeth cleaning, sports courses, health prevention and special courses. For such offers, the funds want to finance the fees at least for the coming year.
38 percent of the surveyed insurers are pushing for the release of the legally binding standard rate of 15.5 percent. Before the health reform of Ulla Schmidt, the funds could still determine the contribution rate itself and thus go directly into competition with the competition. Other box office representatives think the sentence should be according to the revenue „at least lowered again“.
Company health insurance pay on average 30 euros
The magazine „Wirtschaftswoche“ reports that in addition to the TK and the Hanseatic the cash registers „G + V BKK“ as well as the BKK economy and finances want to pay a balance. The exact amount is not fixed yet. The BKK „A.T.U.“ She said she was paying „each member of the box 30 euros at the beginning of 2012 from“. The newspaper had interviewed the ten largest health insurance companies with a membership of about 35 million insured persons.
No abolition of the practice fee
Although the practice fees means a considerable administrative effort especially for the medical practices and its actual purpose of minimizing the „unnecessary doctor visits“ is not met, the majority of health insurance funds stick to the quarterly fees for doctor consultations. Only every fifth fund would be ready to abolish the practice fee again. After all, the statutory health insurance alone takes by the extra charge each year about two billion euros.
The top federation of the health insurance companies (GKV) had expressed vehemently recently against a refund of the contributions. „Already next year, the health fund could slipping back into the red“, as it was called. Due to the „Unpredictability of the health fund“ there is no margin for extra payments. Rather, the money could be used for an expanded range of services. (Sb)
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Picture: Gerd Altmann