Eigenbrauer Syndrome Being drunk by French fries

Eigenbrauer Syndrome Being drunk by French fries / Health News
"Eigenbrauer Syndrome": Briton gets drunk on chips


The UK is currently reporting a curious case. A 34-year-old man is drunk without drinking alcohol. He suffers from the so-called "Eigenbrauer syndrome". The consumption of certain foods, such as fries, can cause the man to intoxication.

A helping of fries causes intoxication
Currently, a curious case from the UK is reported worldwide. Nick Hess hands a serving of fries to get drunk. The reason is a rare disease. The 34-year-old suffers from the so-called "Eigenbrauer syndrome" (English "Auto Brewery Syndrome"). Before receiving the diagnosis, the Briton suffered from reports of nausea and vomiting over an extended period of time, according to press reports. After a harmless rear-end collision, he was forced to drink alcohol for suspected drunk driving. Like the TV channel "

"Brewery in the stomach"
Even his wife suspected him to be a secret alcoholic. But when she searched the house, she could not find any schnapps. Finally, she came up with an idea: she filmed her husband. "It was crazy," said Karen Daw to the British "BBC". "He stagged particularly badly when he ate chips or pasta." He himself said: "It came creeping, sometimes like a hammer. And suddenly I was drunk. "Concerned in this disease have a kind of" brewery in the stomach ".

Patient should avoid carbs if possible
Excessive growth of yeast in the intestine initiates the alcoholic fermentation process. The resulting alcohol goes directly into the bloodstream and leads to the person being drunk. The Briton has now reported to comply with a strict carbohydrate diet and also takes anti-fungal medication to interrupt the fermentation process. He has been drunk only once or twice a month since therapy. He said to ABC News: "Now I am the happiest person in the world. I'm getting better, I love it. "

With 3.7 per thousand in the emergency room
So far, there is no medical explanation for this strange disease. That may be because the syndrome is very rare. Last year, a 61-year-old American who also suffered from "Eigenbrauer's Syndrome" was reported. The man had been admitted 3.7 years ago to the ER at a Texas hospital without drinking a single drop of alcohol. He did not believe it, too, and it took a long time for a gastrointestinal specialist to make the correct diagnosis. (Ad)

: Kai Stachowiak