Edinburgh wave of infection of Legionnaire's disease

Edinburgh wave of infection of Legionnaire's disease / Health News

Legionnaire's disease in Edinburgh claims first death toll


In Edinburgh, Scotland, numerous people have become infected with Legionnaire's disease. One patient has already died as a result of the disease, 16 people are in critical condition and are therefore hospitalized at the hospital, reports the „Environmental Health Department“ the city of Edinburgh.

Scottish Health Minister Nicola Sturgeon expressed concern at the spread of the infections in Edinburgh and spoke of Scotland's biggest wave of infection since the 1980s. For example, 16 people between the ages of 33 and 74 are currently being treated for critical care in intensive care units in hospitals in the Lothian region. Overall, according to the Scottish Health Minister, 24 infections with Legionnaires' disease have been officially confirmed. In addition, there are 27 suspected cases where the result of the final investigation is still outstanding. It is also expected in the coming days with a further increase in the number of infections, so Nicola Sturgeon on.

Search for the source of Legionella bacteria
Geographically, legionnaires' infections in Edinburgh are concentrated in Dalry, Gorgie, and Saughton districts in the southwestern corner of the Scottish capital, according to the Municipal Health Department's announcement. Here also the 56-year-old now-deceased patient had become infected. Dr. Duncan McCormick, chairman of the convened crisis management team, said the „Investigations on possible cause of this outbreak in progress“ and in the meantime all sorts of cases have been recorded in order to „to determine the full extent of this outbreak.“ At the same time, Dr. McCormick avoiding panic in the population by assuring that the „Household water supply is safe and that Legionnaires' disease is not transmitted by drinking water.“ However, the Legionella bacteria are actually known to reproduce well in warm, stagnant water. Hot water systems in community facilities such as day-care centers, hospitals, nursing homes and also hotels with complex water supply have been identified in the past as a possible source of pathogens. Even air conditioning systems and the cooling towers of power plants are considered as potential breeding herd of germs. The way in which the dangerous Legionella bacteria and Edinburgh could spread is so far unclear. Samples were taken from four cooling towers in the city, but it may take ten days for results to be reported, according to the health authorities.

Symptoms of Legionnaire's disease
The pathogens of Legionnaires' disease are transmitted by inhaling tiny droplets (aerosols) of the contaminated water. The infection triggers symptoms such as mild headache, muscle and limb pain, fever, persistent cough, and sometimes diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, the urban reports „Environmental Health Department“ in Edinburgh. Later in the Legionnaire's disease threaten a serious pneumonia, which ends fatally at worst. The disease can break out at any time between two and 14 days after contact with the bacteria, but is not contagious or can not be transmitted directly from person to person, according to the health authorities of the city and the Scottish „National Health Service“. (Fp)

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Image: Sebastian Karkus