Ebola First optimism in Liberia

Cautious optimism in the fight against the Ebola epidemic
Although the Ebola epidemic in the West African states of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone can by no means be judged to have been overcome, the UN Special Envoy reports. David Nabarro of growing confidence and a growing self-confidence in the local population. Last but not least, the emerging optimism is based on the successes in disease control. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) recorded the lowest number of new Ebola infections in Guinea and Liberia since the summer of 2014.
„In recent weeks, we have seen a big change, a sense of self-confidence, a feeling that (Ebola) can be beaten“, so Dr. Nabarro in a recent United Nations (UN) press release. The noticeable changes have begun, according to the UN statement in Liberia at the beginning of December. According to the WHO, the number of new infections in the West African country has fallen from more than 300 confirmed cases per week in August and September 2014 to eight confirmed cases in the past week. Accordingly, Liberia is not without reason confident that it has soon overcome the epidemic. However, the situation is currently different in Sierra Leone, where 184 new Ebola infections were registered by the WHO last week.
First successes are noticeable
According to the WHO, sufficient treatment capacities are now available for the treatment of Ebola patients in both Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. However, there is sometimes an uneven geographical distribution of beds and cases, which can lead to difficulties on the ground. Overall, however, the care situation of patients has improved significantly. Also, a safe and dignified burial of all deceased is guaranteed. In addition, in most cases, the identification and monitoring of the contact persons or other potentially infected persons takes place. Here are, according to Dr. Nabarro, however, still find gaps. Not all contact persons are always determined and consistently monitored. In addition, sometimes not all contact persons of the Ebola patients can be determined. This is in many cases veritable detective work, Dr. Nabarro.
Further vigilance and discipline required
Despite the achievable results in Liberia and the timid optimism, the UN Special Representative continues to urge „Vigilance and discipline.“ That is the only way to ensure that the disease is completely eradicated. In Sierra Leone, however, an end to the Ebola epidemic is not yet in sight. In the past three weeks alone, 769 new infections were found here. With more than 10,000 infections and more than 3,000 deaths, Sierra Leone is now the worst affected country, even though Liberia had a total of approximately 3,500 Ebola deaths over the past year. Worldwide, according to the WHO, 21,261 people have been infected with Ebola by 11 January, and 8,414 people have died as a result of the infection. (Fp)
Picture credits: NicoLeHe