Ebola epidemic Continues rising new infections

The number of Ebola infections has once again increased significantly
While the Ebola epidemic in West Africa is slowly becoming out of the focus of world public opinion, the number of deaths and infections continues to rise. Despite the international commitment, the epidemic has so far not been stopped. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of fatalities in the three outbreak countries Guinea, Sierra Leone and Guinea has risen to 8,235 people by 4 January 20,712 people have been infected with the Ebola virus.
Currently, most new infections are reported in Sierra Leone, where 900 people have been infected over the last three weeks, according to the WHO. Significant fewer new infections were found in Guinea (344 new infections) and Liberia (70 new infections). In total, over the past 21 days, more than 1,300 people have contracted new infections with the potentially deadly Ebola virus. The epidemic is by no means overcome, but threatens to continue to draw ever larger circles. In addition, there is a significant under-reporting of the WHO's official figures, which means that the number of actual infections and deaths is likely to be significantly higher.
For on-the-job helpers, dealing with Ebola patients poses massive risks, as evidenced by the relatively high number of infections among health care workers. According to the WHO, 820 infections had been diagnosed since the outbreak of the epidemic. So far, 488 health care workers have died as a result of Ebola infection. Although the safety measures taken as soon as patients have Ebola symptoms have improved significantly in recent months, the security of medical staff is still inadequate in many places. (Fp)
Image: Maurus Völkl