Ebola outbreak out of control

Ebola outbreak out of control / Health News

Ebola epidemic in West Africa pushes helpers to their limits


The Ebola epidemic in West Africa poses a tremendous challenge to health care workers. Hundreds of people have already died as a result of the outbreak and almost every day new infections from the three affected states (Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia) are reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). Even today, the epidemic has reached dimensions far beyond previous Ebola outbreaks.

In recent years, smaller Ebola outbreaks have been regularly observed, especially in Central African countries. However, the number of deaths was usually manageable and the waves of infection ended as fast as they had begun. In 2007, the WHO last reported a major Ebola epidemic, with a total of 176 deaths. However, the dimensions of the current epidemic go far beyond the usual level, especially since several West African countries are affected. An end to the wave of infection is not yet foreseeable and at the weekend, the aid organization Doctors Without Borders has pointed out that the auxiliary workers are now reaching their limits. The Ebola outbreak was „completely out of control“, quotes the „Southgerman newspaper“ the Einsatzleiter of the aid organization, Bart Janssens.

Heaviest internal and external bleeding
The Ebola virus causes in humans the so-called Ebola fever, which is associated with haemorrhagic fever with severe internal and external bleeding. At first symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting usually appear before bleeding from the mucous membranes, internal bleeding and bleeding in the skin occur in the further course of the disease. Treatment for the disease is not yet known and treatment focuses on balancing fluid loss. With some variants of the pathogens, up to 90 percent of infections end in death, but fortunately, the current virus strain is less dangerous in this regard. Otherwise, the Ebola epidemic, which has been rampant for six months, would probably have claimed even more lives. For infections with the new Ebola variant would „About 60 percent of the infected die, while the Ebola-Zaire strain was 80 percent“, reports Stephan Becker, director of the Institute of Virology at the University of Marburg opposite the „South German newspaper“. The team of the virologist is part of the European Mobile Laboratory Project, which supports the national health authorities in the detection of pathogens of the sick and the dead in West Africa.

Adverse conditions in the fight against Ebola
Not only the high number of infections but also the general conditions on the ground are causing increasing difficulties for the assistants in the care of the patients. The Marburg virologist Becker explained that it for example „to the population as if the disease had only gotten worse when the whites arrived.“ Here stubbornly hold the „Suppose it was a disease made by whites.“ Also, many patients would believe someone had cursed them. An important task of the local doctors is therefore also to tackle this mistaken belief. In the opinion of the expert, however, this requires the support of the locals. They would have to be trained more to convince their fellow man to visit a treatment center. The population should also be informed about the risk of infection when dealing with patients and the deceased. For example, the funeral ceremonies of the Marburg virologist as „one of the main sources of infection“ called.

Experts extremely worried
Overall, according to the WHO, the current Ebola outbreak has so far killed nearly 340 people. Thus, the magnitude of the epidemic significantly exceeds most previous outbreaks (only in 2000 were more Ebola infections in the whole of Africa) and an end to the wave of infection does not appear in sight for a long time. The national health authorities are increasingly concerned and isolated states have already closed their borders to the outbreak country Guinea. However, travel or trade restrictions have not yet been decided by the World Health Organization. Even Stefan Becker does not assume that the epidemic could be a threat to Europe, for example „there will certainly be single imported cases“, stressed the virologist. These, however, are believed to be „be quickly recognized and isolated.“ However, the expert estimates the situation in West Africa as more dramatic. „For Africa, on the other hand, I'm extremely worried“, quotes the „Southgerman newspaper“ the virologist. (Fp)

Picture: Dr. Karl Herrmann