E-cigarettes and e-shishas in children's hands?

E-cigarettes and e-shishas in children's hands? / Health News

Federal Minister: No electric smoke for minors


E-cigarettes and e-hookahs are enjoying growing popularity. Even E-joints are now available on the market. However, the health of the electric smoke is not safe. Federal Minister of Food Christian Schmidt now calls for a ban on sales of children and adolescents.

Electric smoke is becoming increasingly popular
Electric cigarettes and electric hookahs are obviously growing in popularity. Even E-joints - but without the cannabis ingredient THC - are now on the market. According to the Association of the e-cigarette trade (VdeH), sales have increased more than twentyfold over the past four years. And more recently, the results of a study that surveyed more than 26,000 adolescents and adults in 27 EU countries were published. According to this, more than a fifth of smokers have already smoked an electronic cigarette. Federal Nutrition Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) now wants to achieve a ban on selling to children and adolescents.

Federal Minister wants to achieve sales ban on minors
Opposite the „Rheinische Post“ (Monday) he said: „E-cigarettes and e-shishas have no place in children's and youth's hands.“ In addition, the politician warned: „The vaporizers are not harmless sweets - even if they taste like chocolate, bubble gum or melon. The sweet flavors obscure the potential dangers.“ In this respect, there are parallels to the so-called Alcopops, in which the sweet taste covers high percentage. And nicotine-free e-shishas are not safe for health. Schmidt now wants to control the youth protection law and in the implementation of the European Tobacco Products Directive tightening to achieve a ban on sales of children and adolescents.

Little is known about health hazards
The Minister wants to prevent such products from promoting the entry into a smoking career. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) had already advised in January by e-Shishas and possible „gateway drugs“ spoken. And also the German Medical Association had said a month ago for a ban on sales to minors. Although little is known about possible health risks and especially long-term consequences, experts warn against the dangers of electric smoke. For example, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg reported that the steam from e-shishas also partially contains carcinogenic substances such as formaldehyde, nickel or chromium. In addition, many ingredients have not yet been investigated for potential hazards. (Ad)

Image: Daniel Knußmann