Danger of diarrhea Why smaller children are allowed to get only a small amount of fruit juice

Danger of diarrhea Why smaller children are allowed to get only a small amount of fruit juice / Health News
Young children can get diarrhea from too much fruit juice
Freshly squeezed juices are healthy: fruit provides valuable vitamins and minerals. Nevertheless, small children should not drink too much, otherwise there is a risk that they will get diarrhea. The vitamin supply can also be guaranteed differently.

Not too much fruit juices for small children
Experts like the German Nutrition Society recommend consuming five servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Some experts say that ten servings a day are even better. Part of it can also be consumed in liquid form. But with infants, caution is needed. Although freshly squeezed juices are healthy, they increase the risk of diarrhea in young children. The vitamin supply can be guaranteed in other ways but also in the smallest ones.

According to health experts, small children should not drink too much fruit juice, otherwise the risk of diarrhea increases. It is advised to give the little ones rather fresh fruit instead of juice. (Image: capacitorphoto / fotolia.com)

Increased risk of obesity and tooth decay
Scientists at the American Academy of Pediatrics have recently reported in the medical journal Pediatrics that toddlers under the age of one should not consume fruit juices.

Even if they are a bit older, consumption should be limited. Because a large consumption of fruit juices increases according to the experts in small children the risk of obesity and tooth decay.

As the Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) reports on its website "kinderaerzte-im-netz.de", there is another reason for the moderation: If small children drink too much fruit juice, there is a risk of diarrhea.

Childish intestine does not tolerate as much fructose
According to the experts, the infant intestine does not tolerate as much fructose, which is why some infants of larger amounts of fruit juice get diarrhea.

In addition, about five percent of the population suffer from fructose malabsorption. In this food intolerance, the digestion of fructose (fructose) in the intestine is disturbed.

According to the BVKJ, diarrhea stops as soon as affected children no longer drink fruit juices.

Fresh fruit instead of juice
The pediatricians are advised to give children fruit rather than juices. It contains less fructose and more fiber for digestion.

But the right amount is crucial. According to Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen, it is recommended to consume at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit daily to meet the needs of all vitamins and minerals.

To determine the appropriate amount, the size of the child's hand can be used for portioning.

It may already be a bit of juice. According to the BVKJ, children aged one to three usually tolerate half a glass a day, but more than four years. Children under the age of one should not get fruit juice at all.

Fruit juice should generally be mixed with plenty of water. To quench your thirst, water or unsweetened teas are much better. (Ad)