Breathe deeply thanks to Chinese medicine

Breathe deeply thanks to Chinese medicine / Health News

Breathe deeply thanks to Chinese medicine (TCM)


Dry cough, difficult breathing, up to the emergency: one in ten in Germany suffers from asthma. The World Asthma Day on the third of May focuses on bronchial disease, which is rapidly increasing, especially among children and adolescents. For the treatment, there are various drugs that often only briefly relieve the symptoms. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), on the other hand, looks for the causes of the disease and treats them sustainably.

Much like atopic dermatitis, which many suffer from, TCM sees the origin of asthma in a misguided process of the body, often beginning in childhood. „At the beginning of asthma are often delayed colds or allergies that were not successfully managed. Most patients are treated with strong medications such as cortisone sprays and pills, which severely damage lung qi, the flow of energy in the respiratory tract, and lead to an accumulation of internal mucus“, explains Dr. Christian Schmincke, TCM expert and head of the clinic at the Steigerwald.

He achieved very good treatment results with the Chinese drug therapy, which first supports the elimination of inflammation from the body and later regulates the immune system. In dry coughs are usually bitter almonds and the root of a Chinese bellflower in the recipe. In case of respiratory distress, the specialists in turn administer scullwort and Chinese mugwort. Acupuncture is helpful in acute asthma attacks. Qigong and Tunia massage release tension and rebalance the system. At the same time, relief is achieved through a vegetarian diet with few dairy products. Together, these treatments form the five pillars of TCM. (Pm)