By hiking bonus with the health insurance companies

By hiking bonus with the health insurance companies / Health News

More and more health insurance companies grant a bonus for active hiking.

(11.08.2010) Regular and active exercise promotes physical and mental health. It is not important how intense the sport is, but whether the active movement is carried out regularly. More and more statutory health insurance companies grant their members a bonus if the insured regularly walk and get a wandering badge.

Regular hiking can have a positive effect on health insurance contributions. More and more health insurance companies grant their members a bonus if they travel regularly. This is made possible by the fact that the hiking badge is the same as the German sports badge. So whoever achieves a specific, predetermined hiking performance in the year, is rewarded by many health insurance companies with an annual bonus. This means that at the end of the year you will receive back a percentage of the membership fees you have paid by showing your badge and your wandering performance. The German Hiking Association explained: "With the German Hiking Badge, more than 40 million health insured persons in Germany already have access to the bonus program of their health insurance".

"The funds confirm what more and more scientific studies have shown: regular hiking as a form of moderate exercise promotes good health," said Wandervereins Association Director Hans-Ulrich Rauchfuß.

But how can you get this bonus at the health insurance companies?
Hiking is becoming increasingly important in Germany and is increasingly recognized by numerous health insurance companies. Because an active movement promotes good health. If your health insurance offers a bonus, you should take a "walking fitness pass". On guided hikes the results can be documented in the hiking pass. If a minimum limit has been reached, the Wander Fitness Pass can be presented to the health insurance company. Thereafter, the participants receive the bonus benefits. However, you should inquire in advance with your health insurance, if such a bonus program is offered. (Sb)

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Image: Thommy Weiss