Threatening drug interactions
Drug interactions often underestimated
Interactions between drugs are not uncommon and can bring life-threatening health consequences for those affected. However, the risk of interactions is often underestimated, according to the Bavarian Pharmacists.
The Bayerische Apothekerkammer has cited a study by the Bavarian Academy of Clinical Pharmacy from the summer of 2011 reported that every sixth Bavarian pharmacy customer interactions between his drugs occur. Every 200th customer suffers even life-threatening interactions, said the Bavarian State Pharmacist's Chamber on Monday in Munich.
Undesirable effect through interaction of drugs
As part of the study on the type and frequency of drug-drug interactions, the Bavarian Academy for Clinical Pharmacy documented 100 consecutive customer contacts in 96 Bavarian pharmacies in July 2011. Together with the pharmacies, a total of around 24,000 data were collected from almost 21,000 pharmacy customers, according to the announcement of the Bayerische Apothekerkammer. Not only was it noted which preparations the customers are taking, but also what possible reactions occurred with individual drugs with other medicines, food supplements or foods. „In an interaction, the drugs can mutually reinforce their effects or side effects, but also weaken“, explained Dr. Sonja Mayer, Managing Director of the Bavarian Academy of Clinical Pharmacy and Scientific Director of the study.
Interactions at every sixth pharmacy customer
According to the study, every sixth pharmacy customer in Bavaria interacted with their medications, and every eighth affected involved self-medication. Most of the difficulties were antidepressants, blood pressure, mineral supplements and analgesics. According to the vice-president of the Bavarian Pharmacists' Chamber, Ulrich Koczian, the careless handling of over-the-counter drugs is to be critically evaluated. As an example of non-prescription drug interactions, the study mentions St. John's wort as a natural medicine used to treat mood swings and depression but at the same time reduce the effect of the birth control pill. However, mineral supplements may under certain circumstances neutralize the effects of certain antibiotics, according to the experts during their investigation. However, this attenuation of the effect of individual drugs is only the harmless variant of possible interactions. It can be significantly worse for patients who use different active substances in parallel, whose use is contraindicated - „so excludes itself“, explained Dr. Sonja Mayer. In such cases, the interactions for the „Patients be life threatening“, warned the expert.
Talk with pharmacist brings enlightenment
Another result of the investigation was that „the risk of interaction with the number of concurrent medications, the age of the patients, and the number of physicians and pharmacists involved“ increases, explained the managing director of the Bavarian Academy of Clinical Pharmacy. However, the study also showed that 82 percent of the interactions already „be solved by a personal conversation directly in the pharmacy“ could emphasize Sonja Mayer. In eight percent of the cases, the interactions could be clarified by consulting the pharmacist with the attending physician and the remaining ten percent of those affected had been referred back to their doctor. Statistically, every pharmacy in Bavaria once a day revealed a potentially harmful interaction between drugs.
Patients need information about the imminent interactions
According to the Vice President of the Bavarian Pharmacists' Chamber, Ulrich Koczian „The study clearly shows how important personal counseling is when buying medicine.“ Apparently, many patients still believe that nonprescription drugs are harmless and therefore need information on the imminent interactions, Koczian said. Especially when using a particular drug for the first time, patients should „in the pharmacy inform if special precautions are to be considered“, stressed the expert. According to Koczian Bavaria's pharmacy take the results of the study „very seriously“ and carry out an educational campaign in January and February. (Fp)
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Image: Benjamin Klack