Dr. Hillejan This venous walk protects the legs

Dr. Hillejan This venous walk protects the legs / Health News
Dr. Dr. med. Stefan Hillejan: Healthy legs through venous walking
Rising outside temperatures and longer hours of sunshine automatically draw people outside. Exercise in the fresh air not only has a positive effect on one's own well-being, but also keeps the leg veins fit. However, high temperatures and long periods of sitting, for example on the job, can lead to heavy and swollen legs, which over time cause vein problems such as varicose veins or inflammation as well as thrombosis. "If you want to protect yourself, you can use simple exercises to strengthen your veins in everyday life," says Prof. (University Chisinau). Dr. Stefan Hillejan, phlebologist and proctologist from the Clinic for Venous and Diseases of the Thoracic Diseases in Hanover and Chairman of the Professional Association of Qualified Medical Experts in Germany.

Heat accumulation in the legs
Veins perform hard labor 24 hours a day. This is especially true for areas that are below the heart, like the legs. In them, veins pump the blood against gravity up to the heart - a show of strength, especially when people for professional reasons sit for a long time or stand a lot. In summer, high temperatures additionally dilate the vessels. This affects the "valve function" of the venous valves. Blood, but also lymphatic fluid, then sink down into the tissue and cause ugly swelling in the lower extremities.

(Image: ARochau / fotolia.com)

Patients feel an unpleasant feeling of tension or heaviness in their legs for the time being, later also nocturnal leg cramps and possibly itching in the affected area. On particularly hot days then spontaneously occurring blue veins fall on the legs. "Afflicted sufferers of these first symptoms, they should respond to varices, so varicose veins prevent. Ideally with movement, for example in the form of venous walking, which effectively counteracts existing problems, "explains the phlebologist.

Strengthened in everyday life
Whether at work or at home: leg exercises that strengthen the venous system, can be performed at any time and easily. Prof. Hillejan knows the most important exercises so that varicose veins do not even form.

Vein walking - targeted walking strengthens the vein pump
Similar to walking but with the difference that the special shape concentrates on the right unrolling and impression technique. It is important to pull your toes up first while your heel touches the ground. Then unroll the foot to the bale. Do not press the knee at any time. Since this technique requires some practice, interested people should take their time and gradually increase their own walking rhythm. Initially, the expert recommends one unit per week of about 30 minutes, which can be increased to two to three times a week over time. But watch out, always keep an eye on the pulse. As a rule of thumb: While exercising you should be able to talk, even if no other party is present. With suitable footwear and comfortable clothing, nothing stands in the way of the workout. Finally, stretching exercises complete the workout.

Daily exercises - sitting or standing
Sit upright, preferably with a straight back on the front chair half, so that the knees form a 90-degree angle. Now put on the heels, hold briefly and with a little back pressure put the soles of the feet back on the floor. Take a break after ten repetitions. Feet circles also strengthen the vessels. In the same sitting position, stretch one leg straight forward and circle the raised foot ten times to the left, then ten times to the right. Now repeat the same exercise with the other leg. If you want, hold on to the stabilizer at the back of the chair. Finally shake your calf and foot loose. From time to time the toes move in, as if it were a claw, and it also adds momentum to tired legs.

Anyone who likes a lot promotes the blood flow by alternately pulling up the heels and toes. In between, simply take off your shoes and walk on toes - of course also possible with shoes - also activates the leg muscles. For longer stays, perform several times a day. Extra tip from Prof. Hillejan: "Doing short distances more often on foot, also cycling tours have a positive influence on the venous system and prevent varicose veins."