Dorothee Struck Contraceptive without hormones

Dorothee Struck Contraceptive without hormones / Health News
There are many hormone-free contraceptive methods, but which one is right for me? This question is the gynecologist and physician for natural remedies Dorothee Struck in this guide.

Dr. med. Dorothee Struck explains in an understandable language how the female body is structured and what happens in the cycle. Based on this, she describes the mode of action of all hormone-free contraceptive methods, from the spiral over the various barriers, such as the diaphragm or the cervical cap, to the time-selection methods with or without contraceptive computers. All the processes are put to the test: How easy is the application and how safe is that?

This book is for women,
who want to be fully informed about non-hormonal contraception
want to take responsibility for their body and their fertility. (Pm)