Dorn method founder Dieter Dorn died

Dorn method founder Dieter Dorn died / Health News

The founder of the Dorn method, Dieter Dorn, died at the age of 72 years


On 19 January 2011, the founder of the so-called method thorn, or Dorn method, the Dieter Dorn died. Dieter Dorn died at the age of 72 years. About thirty-eight years ago, he founded his method Dorn through intuition, which has spread quite widely in Germany and Austria. However, Dorn, who lives in Lautrach in the Allgäu, was not a qualified physician and never took a medical practitioner exam. Dieter Dorn was a farmer and sawmill owner.

When he himself proved himself in 1973 at the age of 35 years and got back pain, the farmer Josef Müller helped him with a thumb pressure on the complaint area. As a result, Dorn concluded that one through gentle „straighten out“ The vertebra can treat complaints well and was quickly known in the region. The now practicing in Berlin, surgeon and orthopedist Thomas Hansen and his wife were successfully treated by Dorn in 1985. Dr. Hansen animated Dorn to seminars and in this way the Dorn method found further attention - also supraregional nature.

The Dorn method was then mainly distributed by non-medical practitioners who also taught lay people in the method in community colleges or other training institutions. Most of the courses or individual seminars were offered together with the Breuss massage. For patients, the method Dorn is mainly used by non-medical practitioners, but also naturopathic doctors.

In addition to the good approach of Dorn, who wanted to give an easy-to-learn and practicing method of treatment wide distribution also for laymen, but there was also a lot of criticism. One point that also caused criticism in natural medicine was Dorn's fixation on asymmetries and misalignments of the vertebral column vertebrae, leg length differences or pelvic obliquity. Thus, much was diagnosed according to the position of the organism and taken care of in the treatment to Dorn for correcting the attitude. This correction should ensure an improved function. Manual natural remedies such as osteopathy or the fascial distortion model place less value on the position, but on the expressed complaints of the patients or on the distribution of stress in the entire organism. From this perspective, many therapists consider the Dorn method to be too dogmatic or reductionist.

Notwithstanding this criticism and, of course, the criticism from scientific medical circles, the method Dorn enjoys great popularity among people who take natural remedies. There is a considerable potential for courses and therapists in the Federal Republic according to the method Dorn, which is unlikely to change even after the death of the founder. (Tf)