Double the number of dementia disorders expected

Double the number of dementia disorders expected / Health News

Dementia Report: Doubling of dementia patients expected in 30 years: Particularly East German regions are affected by structural change. The social association VdK demands more help for dementia patients


The Berlin Institute for Population and Development expects to double dementia patients by the year 2050. Dementia is already becoming a so-called widespread disease, which affects every human being in old age. The social association VdK calls for comprehensive reforms in view of the new figures.

Doubling of dementia cases
In the next 30 years, the number of dementia patients could have already doubled. This is reported by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development. The institute refers to the steadily growing number of patients in recent decades. Due to demographic change and improved medical care, people are threatened with old-age diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease, especially in the western industrial nations. According to the latest dementia report in 2010, around 1.3 million people in Germany today suffer from dementia. About two thirds of those affected suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Statistically speaking, there is currently a nationwide sickness rate of 1300 people per 100,000 inhabitants. The situation could develop particularly dramatically in the new federal states. Reiner Klingholz stated that in eastern Germany, one expects national highs in terms of dementia. By 2025, for example, in Hoyerswerda (Saxony) of 100,000 inhabitants 3660 people are likely to suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's. Similarly alarming data collections are also available for the cities and regions of Görlitz and Dessau. In addition to Saxony, numerous circles in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia are seriously affected by the development. This mainly affects regions in which only a few young people live compared to the nationwide age structure. Especially in eastern Germany, the exodus of young people is clearly noticeable, whereupon the average age increases.

Dementia becomes the normal concomitant of old age
According to the authors, dementia becomes a whole „normal concomitant of the age“. The evolution of the demographic change of our society can no longer be reversed. Therefore, the researchers have already undertaken evaluations of the age structures of different regions, so that the policy can counteract in time. However, the health policy has not yet fully recognized the extent, as the study authors criticize. The position is still widely held that society would be the same in 2025 as it is today. Only people are getting older. But that is a fatal misjudgment according to the scientists. The financially weak regions, in particular, must expect to provide more money for the care of geriatric diseases in future than is the case today. In addition, revenues will fall significantly as more and more people are retired.

Alzheimer's, an incurable disease
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 35 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer's dementia. In the incurable disease are specific protein deposits in the human brain. Important stimulus transmissions between the brain cells are disturbed. As a result, brain cells die and patient memory is completely eliminated. Particularly distressing in the environment of the person affected the loss of the personality of the patient is experienced. People increasingly lose their temporal and spatial orientation. As Alzheimer's patients become helpless and inactive, they are dependent on intensive care around the clock. About two-thirds of those affected are cared for by family members at home. For the relatives the care means an enormous burden, again and again patient associations criticize in this context the insufficient support of the policy.

According to the Cologne neurologist Prof. Gereon Fink already in 2050 around 115 million people worldwide will suffer from dementia. Fink called for an expansion of treatment options for dementia patients. In addition, doctors would have to be better trained so that a timely diagnosis could take place. The sooner the disease is detected, the greater the chances of the patient being able to stay fit for a longer period of time. And that in turn relieves the health and care system.

Social Union calls for more financial aid for dementia sufferers
The social association VDK demanded in view of the dramatic numbers to involve dementia patients more in the long-term care insurance. "Home care is a good example of solid generation solidarity," said the President of the Social Association VdK Germany, Ulrike Mascher, today on the sidelines of a social policy forum of the Social Association VdK Bayern in the Evangelical Academy Tutzing on "intergenerational justice". Older people, in particular, often take care of their dependent family members. The VDK chairperson referred to the large number of 4 million carers who "today ensure that our care system does not collapse in parts". The financial security of this form of family work is absolutely inadequate. Especially for the care of dementia sufferers, there must be more financial recognition: "We want dementia to provide adequate benefits from long-term care insurance, which is why the new definition of long-term care, which has been available to the Federal Government since the beginning of 2009, must finally be implemented. " So far, the payment of care allowance is coupled to the existence of a care level, which is only awarded in case of physical limitations. To meet the needs of dementia sufferers, comprehensive reforms are needed.

In order to ensure a good supply of dementia patients, the care needs more financial help. "Today, the contribution in the statutory long-term care insurance is 1.95 percent." I consider a moderate increase in contributions with equal participation of employers to be sustainable, if necessary performance improvements are reliably financed solidarily for a longer period of time.I plead for more honesty and less election tactics in this debate. " (Sb)

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Picture credits: Gerd Altmann