Doping athletes who were active until 2004

Doping athletes who were active until 2004 / Health News

Doping: „Meanwhile, athletes who were active until 2004 are reporting“


For the chairman of the Doping-Opfer-Hilfeverein (DOH), Ines Geipel, health damages caused by doping agents are not only due to the handling of prohibited substances in the GDR. In an interview, she explained: „Meanwhile, athletes come to us who were active until 2004.“

Doping problem did not stop in 1989/90
For the chairman of the Doping Victims Assistance Association (DOH), Ines Geipel, health damages caused by doping agents are not only due to the handling of prohibited substances in the GDR. This is reported by the „Sport-Informations-Dienst“ (SID). The 54-year-old explained accordingly in an interview with the „South German newspaper“ (Weekend edition): „We can document through the work of our counseling center that the doping problem just did not stop punctually in 1989/90, as it belongs to the self-image of sport and politics. Meanwhile, athletes come to us who were active until 2004.“

Fairy tales of clean all-German sports
It concerns thereby German Kaderathleten, which would have received the Dopingmittel of their coaches. The former sprinter of the GDR, also pointed out that these operations were known to the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). However, there is no appropriate response from the sports governing body. Instead, the story of clean, all-German sports will be told. „It's totally gaga how we push the reality away“, so Geipel.

Geipel rejects German Olympic bid
She therefore rejects a German Olympic bid, as long as one is not prepared to draw the correct lessons from the past. „Anyone who now pushes the Olympics and optimizes Germany's sports system and tricks on medals without having dealt seriously with the heavy mortgages is quite clear for systematic fraud“, criticized the former athlete, who had participated in the Olympics herself and for many years counted among the many thousands of athletes who were unknowingly part of the state compulsory drug system.

Health hazards due to doping
The health effects of doping can be enormous. Thus, the potential sequelae and side effects of hair loss in men and increased body hair in women range from headache, nausea and vomiting to the most severe physical and mental problems. High blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, liver damage, depression: These can all be the result of taking various doping substances such as anabolic steroids or growth hormones. (Ad)

Image: Stephanie Hofschlaeger