But no poisonous substances in bubble tea

NRW Consumer Protection Ministry could find no harmful substances in Bubble Tea
The North Rhine-Westphalian consumer protection ministry contradicts a study result of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH), according to the trend drink „Bubble Tea“ Containing substances that could endanger the health of consumers. Critical, however, remains the high sugar content, which is quite a health hazard.
Scientists of the Technical University of Aachen had in cooperation with the company „Leco“ from Mönchengladbach in Bubble Tea poisonous ingredients. Among other things, it should have acted to so-called brominated biphenyls, which were classified as PCB-like substances. In addition, allergy-causing substances in the pellets of the beverage have been identified with the aid of a special device, which according to the researchers could additionally increase the risk of cancer. Numerous magazines later headlined: "Toxins in Bubble Tea".
None „Brominated biphenyls“ in bubble tea
However, own studies of the NRW Ministry have shown that „no evidence of brominated biphenyls“ available. In addition, the drinks were tested „free of pollutants such as styrene and acetophenone“. For the test, the consumer ministry had taken a total of 84 samples (44 samples of beads, 34 samples of fruit syrup, 6 samples of complete tea drinks) from various shops. The evaluation was also necessary because the fashion drinks were not sufficiently declared with ingredients.
Still too much sugar, especially for children
The criticism of the high sugar content remains, emphasizes the ministry. Bubble Tea continues to be a high calorie beverage with an average of 300 to 500 calories per serving. This corresponds roughly to a main meal and „is therefore rated very critically from a nutritional point of view“. In particular, important information was missing in this study due to the problem of the possible ingestion of the balls in children under the age of four. Although there is no statutory provision for the distributors of the products, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment also sees a need for such an indication.
In addition, the action also examined heavy metals and other ingredients that may be produced during the production of flavors. As a result, none could „significant levels of heavy metals or other hazardous substances are detected“. (Sb)
Read about:
Consumer advocates warn against bubble tea
Health Warning Bubble Tea
Bubble Tea: Modern fattening
Lung collapse due to bubble teas
Harmful Bladder Tea
Toxins in Bubble Tea
Image: Liwe-photos Photography, Wikipedia Germany