DKV merges with Victoria Health Insurance

DKV merges with Victoria Krankenversicherung: Through the merger, insured persons can claim the tariffs of the other.
The private health insurers DKV and Victoria Krankenversicherung merged on the first of October with retroactive effect from the first of January 2010. The health insurance business will be continued under the trade name DKV.
Following the merger, the new insurance company will comprise a membership of approximately 4.4 million policyholders. The premium income is therefore estimated at around 4.5 billion euros annually. This makes the DKV the largest private health insurance in Germany.
For the insured changes a few details. It could be advantageous that now all members have access to the different private health insurance tariffs. So the members can access both the DKV and the Victoria fares at the same time. With this option, the insurance hopes for a strengthening of new contracts. Former Victoria insured can also access the DKV-operated doctors and dentists network. According to the company, this should enable insured persons to have a quality-assured private medical and private dental care. Thus, in the case of a serious illness, a specialized specialist can be found within a short time. Important: Despite the merger, all existing insurance contracts will continue to exist with all rights and obligations. Only the name of the insurance changes for the Victoria health insured. You are then insured with the DKV.
On January 1, 2011, the former Hessian health minister Silke Lautenschläger will join the DKV board. From 2001 to 2009, she was State Minister for Social Affairs, responsible for health, and subsequently for the environment, energy, agriculture and consumer protection. With merger-related dismissals, the employees do not have to expect, as the company announced. (sb, 07.10.2010)
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