Dioxin and PCB discovered in organic eggs

Dioxin and PCB discovered in organic eggs / Health News

Dioxin eggs discovered in Central Hesse


Once again, a limit value exceedance of the dioxin and PCB pollutants in organic eggs was discovered during a routine inspection. Affected by this is a Central Hessian organic farm. As a spokesman said, the eggs were delivered in a total of nine supermarkets of the chain Rewe. The exact cause of the burden is currently unknown.

In a laying hen farm in Löhnberg near Weilburg in Hesse, the chemical substance dioxin and the dioxin-like compound PCB were detected in bio-eggs. As the consumer protection ministry in Hessen announced, the company "Agriculture Grebehof" had determined the pollution in a self-inspection. Subsequently, an immediate recall was started by the company.

Contaminated eggs already on the market
Contaminated eggs could already have entered the market, which is why a recall was started. According to the company, the eggs were delivered to nine Rewe supermarkets. Affected markets in Weilburg, Frankfurt, Bad Nauheim, Butzbach, Aßlar, Friedrichsdorf and Wehrheim im Taunus. Consumers who have already purchased Bioeier with the stamp number 0-DE-0660-391 to -394 will be asked to return the eggs to the trade. There, the purchase price will be refunded upon presentation of the receipt. Furthermore, the eggs should never be eaten.

Again and again, alerts are reported due to exceedances of pollutants in recent weeks and months. Of the contaminated eggs is usually no direct health risk, however, the long-term consequences are still not fully understood. But it is clear that the long-lasting dioxin compounds accumulates over time in body fat, in the liver and in the skin cells. This can cause disorders of the immune system, the nerves and the hormone balance. The World Health Organization also classifies dioxin as "highly carcinogenic". (Sb)

Also read:
Dioxin eggs: Procuratorate identified
Health risk from dioxin eggs

Picture: Siepmann H