Dioxin eggs prosecutor's office determined

Dioxin eggs prosecutor's office determined / Health News

Dioxin eggs: The public prosecutor Oldenburg investigates against the feed manufacturer. According to eyewitness reports, the site of the manufacturer has already been searched by the police.


The scandal surrounding the discovery of dioxin in eggs is expanding. Now also investigating authorities have turned on and have started investigations. As the public prosecutor Itzehoe announced in Schleswig-Holstein, investigations were initiated against the managing director as well as other responsible persons of the animal feed manufacturer "Harles & Jentzsch".

According to prosecutors, there is a concrete initial suspicion against the manufacturer. The feed manufacturer had violated the feed law and thus taken a health risk to people in purchasing, as the prosecutor Ralph Döpper told the Westfalen-Blatt on Tuesday. The explosive: An offense period is still completely unclear, this could extend according to prosecutors over several years. Of course, this leaves open the question of how long the eggs were already burdened by the animal feed.

It was announced in advance that the company used technical mixed fatty acids for the production of animal feed. As a spokesman for the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety announced, these fats were clearly identified. Accordingly, the substances should have been used only for the production of the technical industry. The milk fatty acids are u.a. used for the production of industrial lubricants. As the consumer advocates further stated, the feed manufacturer used mixed fatty acid sourced from a Dutch company for the production of feed fat. The substances themselves come from a biodieser plant of a company in Emden.

According to consumer protection, a total of 527 tonnes of the fatty substances were delivered to seven feed factories in Lower Saxony, three feed producers in North Rhine-Westphalia and one producer each in Hamburg and Saxony-Anhalt. These twelve companies in turn would have delivered the animal feed to egg producers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, and Thuringia.

First eyewitnesses report that now also the police has turned on and searched on Tuesday the area of ​​the enterprise in Uetersen. The public prosecutor's office initially refused to comment on the search warrant. Already on Monday about 1000 farms were closed after the discovery of dioxin-contaminated animal feed in Lower Saxony. Doctors warn against consuming dioxin-contaminated foods. Dioxin is scientifically proven to be carcinogenic. Also read: Health risk from dioxin eggs (sb)

Picture: Rainer Sturm